
Stoick: "Sound your positions. Stay within earshot." Viking #1: "Here." Viking #2: "One length to your stern." Viking #3: "On your starboard flank." Viking #4: "Three widths to port." Viking #5: "Ahead, at your bow." Viking #6: "Haven't a clue." Gobber: "Listen... Stoick... I was overhearing some of the men just now and, well, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to here-- not me of course, I know you're always the man with the plan-- but some, not me, are wondering if there is a plan at all, what it might be?" Stoick: "Find the nest and take it." Gobber: "Ah. Of course. Send them running. The old Viking fallback. Nice and simple." Stoick: "Shhh. Step aside." Viking: "Bear to port." Loki: *Disguised* "I wouldn't..."


Fishlegs: "If you're planning on getting eaten, I'd go with the Gronckle." Tuffnut: "You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. That's me." Hiccup: "Uh..." Snotlout: "I love this plan!" Hiccup: "I didn't..." Ruffnut: "You're crazy! I like that..." Y/n whistles and points. Juno lets out a sonic screech. Which causes everyone but Y/n to wince. Astrid: "So? What is the plan?"


Gobber: "Ah. I was wondering where that went." Stoick: "Stay low and ready your weapons. We're here."

~At the arena~

Hiccup has released the Monstrous Nightmare. He gently guides it toward Snotlout, who is scared, and grabs a knife. Astrid: "Uh-uh." Y/n: "Wind Blast." Juno sends a wave of wind at the knife causing it to be dropped. Snotlout: "Wait! What are you--?!" Hiccup: "Relax. It's okay... it's okay." Snotlout bonds with the Nightmare. Snotlout: "Where are you going?!" Y/n puts her helmet on and attaches it to the rest of her armor. Hiccup: "You're going to need something to help you hold on." The teens glance at the three other dragons, all out of their cages.


Stoick: "When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose." Gobber: "In my undies. Good thing I brought extras." Stoick: "No matter how this ends, it ends today." Catapults break a hole into the side of the mountain, and a flaming ball of straw reveals thousands of dragons inside. Stoick charges in screaming, and all the dragons flee in terror, not a single one attacking. Gobber: "Is that it?" Spitelout: "We've done it!" A roar is heard and the mountain starts to crack. Stoick: "This isn't over. Form your ranks! Hold together!" Stoick: "Get clear!" Gobber: "Beard of Thor... what is that?" The Red Death, a dragon more than five times the size of the Vikings' ships, breaks out of the mountain, roaring furiously. Stoick: "Odin, help us. Catapults!" Viking #3: "Get to the ships!" Stoick: "No! NO!" Gobber: "Heh. Smart, that one." Stoick: "I was a fool. [To Spitelout] Lead the men to the far side of the island." Spitelout: "Right. Everybody to the far side of the island!" Stoick: "Gobber, go with the men." Loki: "You were warned." Loki shifts into his frost giant form. Loki: "Goodbye~" Gobber: "I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy." Stoick: "I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt." Gobber: "Then I can double that time." Stoick: "HERE!" Gobber: "Oh, no, HERE!" Gobber (cont.): "Come on! Bite me!" Stoick: "No, me!" Y/n: "Sonic Screech! *In dragon* Let's get this dragon to think it's in a graveyard." Juno screeches. Hiccup: "Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!" Tuffnut: "LOOK AT US! WE'RE ON A DRAGON! WE'RE ON DRAGONS! ALL OF US!" Hiccup: "Up, let's move it!" Gobber: "Every bit the boar-headed, stubborn Viking you ever were!" Hiccup: "Fishlegs, break it down!" Y/n jumps and falls. Y/n: 'Death Notes!' Juno lets out a loud screech that gets the Red Death to freeze. Fishlegs: "Okay! Heavily armored skull and tail made for bashing and crushing! Steer clear of both! Small eyes, large nostrils! Relies on hearing and smell!" Hiccup: "Okay! Lout, Legs, hang in its blind spot! Make some noise, keep it confused! Ruff, Tuff, find out if it has a shot limit! Make it mad!" Ruffnut: "That's my specialty!" Tuffnut: "Since when?! Everyone knows I'm more irritating! See?!" Hiccup: "Just do what I told you! I'll be back as soon as I can!" Y/n lands on the dragon. Y/n: "Catch!" Snotlout: "Don't worry, we got it covered!" Fishlegs: "Yeah!" Tuffnut: "Troll!" Ruffnut: "Butt-Elf!" Tuffnut: "Bride of Grendel!" Fishlegs: "Uh, this thing doesn't have a blind spot!" Hiccup: "There!" Y/n lands on Juno. Hiccup: "Go help the others!" Hiccup: "Okay, hold on. Hold on." Snotlout: "It's working!" Fishlegs: "Yeah! It's working!" Snotlout: "Agghh!" Fishlegs: "I've lost power on the Gronckle! SNOTLOUT! DO SOMETHING!" Fishlegs: "I'm okay! Less okay...!" Snotlout: "I can't miss! What's wrong buddy? Got something in your eye?" Astrid: "Yeah! You're the Viking!" Snotlout: "Whoa!" Hiccup: "Dad?" Hiccup: "You got it, bud." Stoick: "Hiccup. I'm sorry... for-- for everything." Hiccup: "Yeah, me too." Stoick: "You don't have to go up there." Hiccup: "We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard." Stoick: "I'm proud to call you my son." Hiccup: "Thanks, Dad." Astrid: "He's up! Get Snotlout out of there!" Y/n backflips and lands next to Stoick. Stoick: "Y/n?" Y/n: "I'm leaving after this. Tell Hiccup I said bye." Twins: "I'm on it!" Tuffnut: "I'm on it first! I'm ahead of you!" Ruffnut: "Hey! Let me drive!" Y/n: 'Zippleback! Go up!' Tuffnut: "I can't believe that worked!" Gobber: "Night Fury! Get down!" Hiccup: "Did you get her?" Astrid: "Go." Hiccup: "That thing has wings! Okay, let's see if it can use them!" Y/n: 'Juno, Funeral fire in that mouth as soon as gas starts pooling in her mouth.' Hiccup: "Do you think that did it?" Hiccup: "Well, he can fly." Hiccup: "Okay, Toothless, time to disappear! Come on, bud!" Y/n runs up Juno's back. Hiccup: "Here it comes!" Y/n jumps off and releases her wings. Hiccup: "Watch out! Okay, time's up! Let's see if this works." Juno prepares to end the Red Death. Hiccup: "COME ON! IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?!" Juno let out a loud screech. Hiccup: "Stay with me, buddy. We're good. Just a little bit longer." Y/n land next to Midnight. Hiccup: "Hold, Toothless... NOW!" Juno tries to protect the two. Hiccup: "No! NO!" Stoick: "Hiccup! Hiccup! Son!" Stoick: "Hiccup." Y/n: "Toothless!" Juno lands next to him. Y/n: "Toothless..." Stoick: "Oh, son... I did this..." Y/n dips her head down. Stoick: "I'm so...I'm so sorry..." Toothless opens his wings to reveal Hiccup. Stoick: "Hiccup! Oh, he's alive! You brought him back alive!" Y/n smiles sadly. Stoick: "Thank you... for saving my son." Gobber: "Well, you know... most of him." 

~Time skip~

Hiccup: "Oh, hey, Toothless. I'm happy to see you too, buddy." Toothless steps on his groin. Hiccup: "OW! What-- Uh, I'm in my house. You're at my house! Uh... does my dad know you're in here?!" Toothless continues to bounce off the walls. Hiccup: "Okay, okay-- no, Toothless! Aw, come on..." Toothless runs around. Hiccup: "Okay... okay... Thanks, bud. Toothless, stay here." Snotlout: "Come on, guys, get ready! Hold on tight! Here we go!" Hiccup: "I knew it. I'm dead." Stoick: "No, but you gave it your best shot. So? What do you think?" Viking #1: "Hey, look! It's Hiccup!" Viking #2: "Hiccup, how you doin' mate?" Viking #3: "It's great to see you up and about." Stoick: "Turns out all we needed was a little more of... this." Hiccup: "You just gestured to all of me." Gobber: "Well, most of you. [Gestures to his metal leg] That bit's my handiwork. With a little "Hiccup Flair" thrown in. You think it'll do?" Hiccup: "I might make a few tweaks." Astrid: [Punches Hiccup] "That's for scaring me." Hiccup: "What, is it always going to be this way? Cause..." Astrid kisses Hiccup. Hiccup: "...I could get used to it." Gobber: "Welcome home." Viking: "Night Fury! Get down!" Hiccup: "You ready?" Y/n smiles. Hiccup: "This... is Berk. It snows nine months of the year and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have...ponies or parrots, we have... dragons!"

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