chapter seven

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chapter seven.

FOR THE WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK, SUNGHOON HAD TO ENDURE THE TORTURE THAT WAS SERVED AS 'KIM HANA AND JAKE'S SIM ENDLESS CHATTER'. No matter what, the pair would not shut up, and it was really getting on Sunghoon's nerves. They always found a way to talk to each other, and they didn't even get in trouble either. It especially pissed Sunghoon off when, whenever Jake would laugh at something Hana said, he would practically squirm in his seat, his upper body brushing against Sunghoon. Sunghoon had to bite down on the urge to push Jake out of his chair when that happened. 

These two practically became best friends within the span of three days, and it seemed like the whole school was also keeping an eye on these two. Wherever he would go, he would hear the words 'Jake Sim and Kim Hana' and hearing those two names in the same sentence really grinded Sunghoon's gears. Not to mention, he swore the other day, he saw his teacher giddily eyeing the two when they were conversing.

He probably ships them together or something. Weirdo, Sunghoon thought as he narrowed his eyes at Mr Jung, who made eye contact with Sunghoon. A spooked expression fell over his face, and he turned away from that side of the classroom. 

But alas, it was another lunch, and Sunghoon was meekly sitting on his chair, poking at his food. He poked a kimbap piece with his chopsticks, his grip tightening on the utensils when he heard Hana's loud laugh once again.

"Oh my gosh, Jake! You're so funny, please. I'm dying," she exclaimed as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eyes, Jake shyly handing her a tissue. Her cheeks turned into a noticeably red colour before she took it from him, graciously nodding. Sunghoon's knuckles turned white as he snapped his head back to his food, angrily shoving kimbap into his mouth. From the corner of his eye, he could see Jake had slyly wrapped an arm around Hana, which made him even more furious.

"What's going on between you two? You guys together or something?" Jungwon pressed his palms against the table as he leaned forward, waggling his eyebrows at the pair. Even Jay looked up from the fashion magazine he was reading, piqued with interest.

"No." Jake and Hana both said in unison as they untangled themselves from each other, looking away. Jungwon and Jay showed a knowing glance as big, wide smirks took over their lips. Hana and Jake kept on glancing over at each other, making eye contact now and then. Hana stuffed her face with food as Jake quietly sat there, his cheeks flushed. Heeseung merely sat back and watched the whole thing unfold, casually glancing over at Sunghoon, who was death-glaring Jake. If looks could kill, Jake would be long gone.

As soon as the bell rang, Sunghoon packed up his stuff and left. He didn't bother to look back, nor did he care if he was walking to class by himself. He just needed to get away. The atmosphere was suffocating, and he was filled with a large range of confusing emotions. He wiped his eyes as they started to sting, that familiar but uncomfortable feeling returning to his chest.

𝗝𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗬, 𝗝𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗬 ── jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now