chapter six

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chapter six.

"SO JAKE, DO YOU REALLY RIDE KANGAROOS TO SCHOOL IN AUSTRALIA?" a curious voice sung as Jungwon clung onto Jake's arm, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. Jake smiled down at Jungwon, trying to pack up his belongings that were neatly stacked on his desk. Sunghoon, who just got up from his own desk, rolled his eyes at the two, swinging his backpack over his arm.

Just moments ago, the bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. Sunghoon was more than relieved that it was over, but the universe seemed to love to torture him as it seemed Jake was going to be walking home with them. He glanced over as he watched Jake and Jungwon converse with happy big grins etched onto their faces. Sunghoon found himself grinding his teeth together as he gripped onto his bag strap tighter. He turned to see Jay join them with a quick nod of his head, the four of them exiting the classroom.

"I still can't get over how lucky Sunghoon is! He gets to sit next to the cool new kid," Jungwon waggled his eyebrows at Jake, who only shook his head, waving Jungwon off.

"Oh yes, how lucky," Sunghoon mumbled sarcastically under his breath, his gaze glued to the floor. The three boys next to him exchanged uneasy glances with each other, shrugging Sunghoon's remarks off.

Sunghoon found his mind going blank as he walked through the halls with his friends, listening to their eager chatter. The sound of their footsteps bounced off the walls, making a few squeaks now and then. He felt himself growing a headache the more he listened to them, especially after hearing Jake screech out at a bug that was crawling across the floor.

Words couldn't describe how much he despised the universe, pure hatred for life brewing in the deepest parts of his body. Not only did it was this new Australian transfer student stealing the heart of his crush, but his friends also seemed to be stuck like glue to them. Not only was Jake garnering a fair bit of attention from the people in his class and his friends, but it seemed like their whole grade was obsessed with the boy. Just now, as they were walking through the halls, the group had to stop a total of five times for this group of girls who kept on wanting to talk to Jake. Sunghoon couldn't help but feel an inevitable feeling of displeasure whenever his eyes landed on Jake, that oh-so-perfect boy who he had everyone wrapped around his finger. Sunghoon was ready to book it home, but luckily they reached the school gates.

Feeling the refreshing breeze on his face, he lifted his head to look at the sky. The sky looked gorgeous today; the white, fluffy clouds imprinted in the sky with a few birds flying past looked like something taken out of a storybook. Sunghoon didn't even realise he was falling behind his friends; the sky above was too mesmerising to even care about anything else at that time. It was as if the perfect little clouds and the tiny birds were perfectly painted into the sky; Sunghoon felt at ease.

𝗝𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗬, 𝗝𝗘𝗔𝗟𝗢𝗨𝗦𝗬 ── jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now