"Yeah.. oh! I also wanted to go shopping with him because he needs more clothes and shoes and stuff and I wanna get him stuff he's interested in, like so he has hobbies and stuff you know. Ooooo we can change one of the spare bedrooms into like a room for whatever he wants and he can decorate it and stuff!" I ramble excited

"Art?" I heard a small voice barely above a whisper ask softly. I look down at Tyler to see him looking up at me, his chin rested on my shoulder with his face pointing up at me with big, hopeful, sleepy eyes

"Art? You like art?" I ask smiling down at him still rubbing his back

He nods against my shoulder smiling up at me

"Then sure bunny we can get you art stuff! We can change one of the bedrooms into a art room/studio thing" i mutter softly my hand moving to play with his hair

"Yay, Thank you!" He whispers excitedly beaming up at me- no stutter.

"No problem babe" I say with a chuckle kissing his forehead making him blush a deep red and hide his face back in my shoulder making me laugh more

Matt chuckles setting down a plate in front of me with my food and one on the other side for him. He then goes to the pantry and gets out all the cereal and porridge we have and sets them in front of me and Tyler

"Ty love" Matthew murmurs ruffling Tyler's hair

Tyler sleepily lifts his head of my shoulder and rubs his eyes with his tiny fists before turning to look at Matthew and the selection on boxes in front of him
"Do you like any of these?" He asks him softly

Tyler hums looking over them all "i-I only know this one" he whispers pointing to the box of chocolate weetabix

"Okay well you can have that if you want, or you can try whatever ones you want if you want to try something new" I say but he shakes his head

"Don't like new things" he muttered just above a whisper

"That's okay, you want weetabix then baby boy?" Matt asked gently

"N-" he starts to say but cuts himself off "yes please" he says instead looking down at his swinging feet

Me and Matt both know he was going to say no because he doesn't want to eat and he's only eating to try and make us happy so Matt only pored him a little then added the milk

"Cmon, bunny" I said softly patting his thigh

He turned around in my lap so he was sitting with his back to my chest and my left arm wrapped protectively around his stomach whilst I ate with the other, Matt took the seat to the right of us

Whilst me and Matt ate Tyler just sorta starred at the bowl- he took one spoonful and then that was it

"Tyler babe, you gonna eat it?" I ask gently giving his sides a light squeeze

"Mhm"he hummed picking the spoon back up with shaky hands and bringing it his mouth, he spilt some of the milk on himself because of how bad his hands are shaking

"Here" I said softly taking the spoon from him and getting another spoonful of his cereal and bringing it to his mouth
he opened his mouth and I carefully put the spoon in his mouth, brining it out once he closed it

I repeated that until all of his cereal was gone
"Good boy, bunny" I smiled down at him giving his side another squeeze

"Well done, baby boy" Matt said pecking his forehead before taking his bowel and our plates over to the sink and washing them

Tyler wrapped his arms around his stomach brining his knees up to his chest as I gently rubbed his stomach

"Your alright bunny, you did so good" i praised gently


We was all now sitting in the living room, Tyler was on Mathews lap and I was snuggled next to them

"We should tell him now, get it over with" Matt said threw are link I looked over to see him looking at me, I gave a simple nod

It's going to be fine Grayson- mekiah, my wolf, said softly

I took a few deep calming breaths before giving Matthew the okay to start

"Hey, love" Matt murmured

"Y-yeah?" He answered looking away from the tv and up at Matt

"We have to tell you something okay?" He asked carefully

Tyler slowly nodded looking between Matt and me, I have him a gentle reassuring smile

Matthew gently lifted Tyler up and put him on the sofa in between us "you might not want to be on my lap when I tell you"
He gave us a confused pouty look

"Okay bunny, this is going to sound crazy" I started

"And we completely understand if you don't believe us at first or you freak out or anything" Matthew adds

"But we need to tell you so, erm"

How do I tell him- I asked mekiah

Just be blunt but gentle

Yeah but how

Just give me control
He rolled his eyes in my head, but I complied and gave him some control

"Me and Xa- Matthew are werewolves, kitten." Mekiah said in a slightly deeper voice then mine

Cliffhanger 🥲
Sorry I've been taking so long to update!
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