Chapter 6

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Cindy pov:

I called 911 right after Y/n screamed telling me to call them we all ran to see what happened and we see Sam right in Y/n arms "Sam?" Deena says crying then grabs her out of Y/n arms. Right after Y/n walks away and I follow her "Hey what happened?" I ask her and she turn around and she's crying "She didn't know where Deena was and she came over here and then she collapsed right in my arms. I think something is happening at her house." she says crying "Baby come here." I say then walks towards me and I hug her "It's ok baby." I say "Guys the ambulance is here!" Josh says and we walked over there "What's her name?" one of the paramedics asks us "Sam Fraser." Deen says holding Y/n hand "What happened here?" he asks us "She came over to my house saying she was looking for Deena and couldn't found her and she walked over here then collapsed right in my arms." Y/n says trying not to cry "Ok." he says then walks away then Deena starts crying and Y/n walks over to her and hugs "She's going to be ok right?" Deena asks her "I hope so." she tells her "Hey." Ziggy says to me "Hi." I say giving her a weak smile "You ok?" she asks me "Yeah why?" I ask her "You look like you have something on your mind." she says "Yeah i do." I say "And what is it?" she asks "I want to adopt a kid or a teenager." I say "Yeah i know i just wanted to see if you would tell me." she says smiling "Ok how do- damn it Y/n." I say "Hey look it's not her fault. She does want a kid but she's freaking out of being a bad mom like how her mom was to Lexie and her after what happened to Alex." she says "Yeah." I say looking at the ground "Plus if you do adopt she's gonna be great. Look how she's comforting Deena." she says and I turn around to see her still hugging Deena and then kisses the top her head. I just smile "Yeah she is." I say "And so will you. I mean you took care of me right after everything happened. Now look at me." she says making us laugh "Yeah i did raise you pretty good but you also did shit on your own without my help." I tell her "Yeah I'm a badass I know." she says laughing then we walked back to where everyone was "Only on person can ride in the back of the ambulance." one of the paramedics say to us "Deena you go we'll be there ok?" Y/n says to her "Ok" she says then gets in the ambulance "Let me go get the keys." Y/n says "Ok" everyone says then she walks in the house and I follow her "Where the hell are the damn keys?!" she says kinda mad "Hey" I say scaring her "Jesus! Cindy you scared the shit out of me." she says "Do you know where the keys are?" she asks me "Yeah the keys are right there." I say pointing to them on the kitchen counter "Oh um thanks." she says then grabs the keys and we walk outside and she locks the door "Lets go." she says and we all get in the car. *10 minutes later* we arrive at the hospital and we all get off and run inside.

Your pov:

We run into the hospital "Hi we're here to see a patient." I say  "Name of the patient?" the lady at desk ask "Sam Fraser" I say "room 230." the lady says handing all of us visitor stickers and we all go to the elevator "Before you ask room 230 is on floor 3." Josh says and we all look at him "I know where room 230 is Josh." I say then hit number 4 "Oh um well it look like you didn't know where it is." he says "Sorry." he says "It's fine." I say smiling and then we got out of the elevator then some grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall "Ow!" I say "Sorry." Lexie says then lets go of my arm "Are you sure you wanna go in the room?" she asks me "Yeah I'm sure." I say looking at the ground "Hey look what happened that night wasn't your fault you just lost yourself." she says "yeah." i say quietly then Lexie walks into Sam's room and I stay outside and sit on the floor remembering what happened that night.

  *Flashback July 19, 1980* *WARNING 0verd0se*

younger you pov:

It's been two years since what happened at nightwing and today is the day Alex died and I've been doing drugs to help with the pain. It's 8:30 and Cindy and Ziggy were gonna come over at 9:00 o'clock so I had some time to do some drugs before they come over "Ok." I say and take the drugs I see what time it was and its 8:50 Cindy and Ziggy well be here in 10 minutes I say to myself. I start to walk to the door of my room then I start feeling weird then I collapse on the floor and my head starts pounding and then everything went black.

younger Cindy pov: 

Me and Ziggy where almost there at Y/n and Lexie house their parents went out of town. It was 9:00 o'clock when we got there,we only live 10 minutes away from them "Ziggy be nice ok?" I tell her "I know you've told me like twenty times." she says "Ok." I say then we knock on the door and Lexie opens it "Hey." she says then hugs us "Hi." we say "Where's Y/n?" I ask her "She's in her room." she says "Ok thanks." I walk over to her room and see her on the floor with foam in her mouth "Y/n? Y/n?!" I scream "Lexie! Ziggy! Call 911!" I say crying and Ziggy runs over here and sees Y/n on the floor "Y/n?" she says with tears in her eyes then Lexie comes to the run "Wha- Oh my god Y/n!" she says then goes to the kitchen and dials 911 "Hey my sister overdose please hurry!." she says then comes back in the room "Y/n? Babe it's me Cindy." I say crying then I start doing cpr "Is that gonna work." Ziggy asks "It should. I'm not losing another sibling." Lexie says and I just stay quiet and then we here the ambulance and Lexie goes open the door and the paramedics run into Y/n room and start doing cpr and then she gasps "Y/n." I say and then they take her into the ambulance and I get in and ride all the way to the hospital and Ziggy and Lexie follow us and we get to the hospital and they take her to room 230 and I go to the lobby to go find Lexie and Ziggy "We are here to vist Y/n Y/l/n." Lexie says and then gives her and Ziggy a sticker and they see me and run towards me "What room?" Lexie asks "230." I say 

younger you pov:

I don't see Cindy, Lexie, or Ziggy anywhere then I hear footsteps "Look who it is." Lexie says laughing/crying "Hi." I say weakly then she hugs me "Hi." Ziggy says "Hey." I say weakly again then I hug her "You scared me." Cindy says crying "I'm sorry. I say to her and then she kisses me "I thought you die. I thought we weren't gonna get our happy ending." she says crying "I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise." I say crying then the doctor comes in "Hello everyone." the doctor says "Hi." we all say "So Y/n I'm gonna ask you question is that alright?" he asks "Yeah sure." I say weakly "Was this suicide?" he asks me and then Cindy, Ziggy, and Lexie look at me "No it wasn't." I say trying not to cry "Then what made you do this?" he asks worried "Two years ago today my brother Alex died at camp nightwing and I got low and I thought drugs would help but it doesn't cuz look where i'm at now." I say laughing/crying "Ok." he says "I'll be back later to check up on you." he says "Thank you doc." Lexie says "No problem." he says then leaves "You're an idiot." Lexie says to me "I know." I say then she hugs me "Why are you hugging me if your mad?" I ask her confused "Because i'm glad I didn't lose another sibling on July 19." she says smiling but she has a pool of tears in her eyes 

*End of flashback* 

hey besties sorry for the cliffhanger and bad chapter this what popped up in my head. im gonna work on chapter 7, make sure you eat and drink plenty of water today, have a good day/nice besties love you yall <33

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