Chapter 5

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your pov: 

Me and Cindy got out of our car and walked to the porch "why did she bring up kids all of the sudden?" i thought to myself, Cindy knocks on the door and a couple minutes the door opened it was Nurse Lane. Cindy smiles at her "Hi nurse lane." she says "Cindy?" she asks "Yeah it's Cindy." she says and then nurse lane hugged her "Well if it isn't Y/n Y/l/n" she says laughing "Hi Nurse Lane." I say hugging her "You finally both got together." she says pointing to our rings "Yeah we did." I say to her "That's great now you don't have to keep on looking sad when she was with Tommy except you." she says chuckling and i turn red "Hahah. I don't remember that." I say embarrassed and Cindy just looks at me "Come in so we can talk inside instead of outside." she says we walk in and she Ziggy and Lexie sitting down at the table "You guys are finally here." Ziggy says to us "Yeah what took you two so long." Lexie says smirking "Ok first get your gross." I say smacking the back of her head "Ow you little shit." she says "And second we were at the school where Deena and Josh go with Martin." I say "Yeah he tried to sell something for music to this kids and this one girl said and i quote "So a radio then?" and me and Y/n were laughing while Martin took the thing away from the girl." Cindy says laughing and Ziggy and Lexie start laughing "Deena and Josh? Those your kids?" Nurse Lane asks us and Ziggy and Lexie just look at us "Oh no there this kids that we helped end the curse." I say "Yeah not our kids." Cindy says "There good kids though." I say with a smile then it was quite for a little "Umm Lexie can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I ask her "Um yeah sure." she says then Ziggy,Cindy, and Mary started catching up as we walked out the door "Ok what is it-" Lexie says but I cut her off "I think Cindy wants a kid or wants to adopt a kid." I say pacing back in forward  "What?!" she says "Shut up! They can hear you" I say covering her mouth with my hand "Sorry. But when did she bring it up?" she asks me "When we were driving over here. She said I was good with kids mainly teenagers." I tell her kinda freaking out "Hey, hey you ok?" she asks me worried "Um yeah i just, well you know what happens if i'm not a good mom you know." I tell her "You will be if guys adopt." she says making me laugh "We should go back inside." I say "Yeah." Lexie says. We walk back in the house then Cindy walks over to me "Hey what took you two so long?" she asks me "Oh um nothing." I tell her "Ok?" she says "Um my head hurts can we go home?" I whisper to her "Yeah lets go." she tells me.

Cindy pov:

Something wrong with Y/n I just don't know what it is "Hey everyone we are gonna go home now Y/n not feeling to good." I say "Ok well it was nice seeing you too." Mary says and hugs us . "Alright so well see you guys tonight or Friday?" Ziggy asks me "Yeah, i'll call you or something." I tell her "Ok" she sasy "Make sure she does nothing stupid." Lexie tells me "I won't." I tell her "Babe lets go." I say to Y/n "Alright." she says  we leave the house and get in the car "Hey are you sure your ok?" I ask her holding her hand "Yes. Im fine." she says letting go of my hand "Alright jesus." I tell her "I'm sorry." she says quietly but I can still hear it "It's ok." I tell her "I love you know right." I tell her "I love you too." she says grabbing my hand. We get to the house and we walk into the kitchen "Aren't you gonna tell me what you wanted to say in the car earlier before we got to Mary's?" she asks me "Umm yeah.." I say walking towards her "Ok what is it then?" she asks me and then grabs my hips pulling us closer "Ok umm." I say "Cindy Berman Y/l/n. What is it?" she asks me then walks away from "Ok what do you think about adopting a kid? Well a teenager?" I ask her and she stops walking and then turns "What" she says "Adopting a kid" I say to her "Why-I- im not good for that. I'm not ready to be a mom, i won't be the perfect mom Cindy." she says freaking out "Hey, hey Y/n look at me. We are gonna be great moms if we decide to do this, ok?" i tell her holding her "Ok" she says and then kisses me and i kiss her back "So is Martin and them coming over today or what?" she asks when she pulls away from the kiss "I don't know maybe. I'll call them or something." I say kissing her "But i just wanna enjoy some us time for right now." i tell her "I like the idea of that." she says laughing.

Your pov:

Me and Cindy are still kissing "Ok im gonna shower because i smell." I say to Cindy "Yeah you do smell." she says laughing "Wow, ok" I say "I'm just kidding babe." she says "Mhm sure." I say walking upstairs "Y/n Y/l/n Berman! Get back down here!" she yells running up the stairs and she comes into our room "Y/n?" she says "Ok babe? This isn't funny" she says "Y/n Y/l/n Berman i swear to god." she says "Boo!" I say loud "Ahh!! Damn it Y/n!!!" she says and i start laughing "I hate you so much." she says "No you don't." I say laughing pulling her in for a kiss "Alright im gonna to shower. You are welcome to join me." I say smirking "Ok." she says with a smile. *1 hour later* "Hey Cindy!" I say "What!?" she says "Did you call Martin and them to see if they're coming over?!" I ask "Yeah they all said they would be here in a hour!" she tells "Ok!" I say "Are you done changing?" Cindy asks me "Yeah why?" I ask her "No i'm just asking." she says "Ok. Anyways what are we making for dinner for all of us?" I ask her "We'll just order pizza and play games." she says "I like that idea." I tell her "Can you help get everything somewhat ready before they all come over." she asks me "Yeah i'll help you." I say smiling at her "Thank you my love." she says kissing my check *1 hour later* we hear the door knocking "I got it." I tell Cindy "Ok." she says, I go to open the door and see Martin, Ziggy, Deena, Josh, and Lexie "Hey guys." I say "Hey" they all say together "We order pizza like 10 minutes ago so it should be here in the next 5-15 minutes." I say "Ok." they say and they walk to the living room where Cindy was "Hey." she says hugging each of them "Hey Y/n." Lexie says "Yeah what's up?" I tell her "So did you talk about it with Cindy?" Lexie says "What about you and Cindy? Did you cheat on her?!" Ziggy asks "No! What?! Cindy wants to adopt a kid and I don't know if i'm qualify for being a mom." I say " That means I get to be an aunt." Ziggy says making me laugh "What are you three talking and laughing about." Cindy asks us "Nothing." we all say "Ok...?" Cindy says then we hear another knocking "The pizza's." I say "Don't worry babe I got it." Cindy says then walks away to answer the door "Here you go." I hear her say "Y/n can you help me?" she asks "Yeah." I say grabbing one of the pizza boxes "What kind of pizza are they?" Josh asks "Cheese and Pepperoni." I say then we all grab a slice and watched tv laughed and joked *30 minutes later* we hear another knocking "Did you guys order something else or invite someone?" I ask and everyone says no "Ok um everyone stay right here don't move. Cindy get ready to call 911 if something happens." I say "Y/n let me go with you." she says "Hey look i'll be fine ok." I say kissing her forehead, I walk to the kitchen and grabbed a knife and I walked to the door and opened it and I saw Sam all pale and everything "Deena isn't home so I couldn't think of anyone else expect for you and Cindy because you guys gave us your address if something happens." she says crying then collapse right in my arms "Cindy! Call 911! Now!" I say screaming.

ok besties gonna work somewhat for chapter 6 right now then yeah. love you all have a good/night :))

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