Chapter 2

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Cindy pov:

I grab Y/n hand she smiles at me and I smile back at her "This is how we save Sam." Deena says but Ziggy is thinking about how she met Nick "How we save Shadyside." Deena says "We can't kill the Devil." Deena says "So.. we have to kill him. We need to kill Nick Goode." Deena says "Let's go kill this ass hole then." Y/n says "But I called him right after I called Y/n... I thought.. I thought he could help." Ziggy says "Well that took a turn." Y/n whispers to me and I hit her arm "Ow! What the hell babe." she says whispering "Ok I love and your jokes but right now we can't be joking around this is serious and I'm gonna need you on the same page as me, got it?" I ask her "Yes Mrs. Berman Y/l/n" she says smirking "Stop smirking at me" I say then Deena goes to the bathroom where Josh is "We need to go. Now!" she says to him. We all walk over to the bathroom and Sam starts attacking Deena and Ziggy hit her with something and Sam knocks out "Ok be she gets to hit and knock out a teenager but I can't kick a kid" I hear Y/n mumbles "This is why we don't have kids." I whisper to her and she looks at me "I wanted to do that all day." Ziggy says "Let's get in the car hurry up." Y/n says already going outside "Which car?" Denna says "What do you mean "Which car" "? I ask her "She means our car or the cops car that's Nick's." Y/n says smiling "Man if you were our kids I would be so proud of you for stealing that assholes car." Y/n says "Really Y/n?" I say to her "Ok you can be mad at me all you want be we need to leave NOW!" Y/n says "Ok, I'm gonna remember that later after we kill Nick." I say "Ziggy, Deena, Josh you guys take Nick's car and we'll follow you." Y/n says "Ok." the three of them say while they walk to the car "Get it in." Y/n tells me and Lexie and we get in the car and we drive away and we follow Deena and them. "Where the hell are we even going." Lexie asks us "I have no idea." me and Y/n say, then we turn on Fier st which is weird, then we pull up at someones house and we all roll down the windows "Yo, man, I wasn't doing nothing." this guy says putting his hand on his head "Minding my business." he says.

your pov:

"Hey!" Josh says to the guy "Urkel?" the guy says and I chuckle "Yeah!" Josh says "Uh.. Wanna help us kill Sheriff Goode?" he asks the guy "Let me get my coat." he says then walks inside his house and grabs his coat "Man did not hesitate." I say chuckling "He did not." Lexie says laughing and Cindy just looks at us then smiles then he walks out of the house "Which car?" he asks "The one behind us." Josh tells him "Alright." he says then he gets in the car "Hey Martin." he says "Lexie Y/l/n" Lexie says "Cindy Berman Y/l/n and this is my wife Y/n Y/l/n Berman." Cindy says "Hey." I say "Sup." he says "Ok where are we even going." Martin asks us "To the mall." I say as we follow Deena and them to the mall. We park the car and get off and we go inside the mall "As the mall's lead custodial engineer, I ensure that all retail establishments come equipped with the StoreSafe 250. This is the Cadillac of store gates. Now, the 250 prevents your standard smash-and-grab, graffiti, all while complying with the 70% visibility ordinance. Best part.." Martin says opening the gate "Easy to operate." he says "And we can rig them fo quick release?" Josh asks him "Little grease, these things go down faster than a Sunnyvale cheerleader." he says and I laugh and then he smiles at all of us "So, Deena is the target now, so the killers will go after Deena's blood just like they did with Sam. And then we use that to lure them into the stores, and then.." Josh says and Martin closes the gate "Welcome to the clink, motherfucker." Martin says "The killers will be locked up, then it's us versus Goode." Josh says "Ok, sure, awesome, but then what? Like how do we take out Goode?" Deena says "Are y'all serious about this?" Martin asks us then Ziggy looks around "Once they're down, how quickly can we get the gates back open?' Ziggy ask "Depends, but-" Martin says and Deena cuts him off "Why would we want to do that?" she asks "Yeah why would we want to do that?" Cindy asks Ziggy "We'll Carrie him." she says "Loved that book." I say, Josh is trying to figure out how to get a faster release on the guns and Martin blows a raspberry "Seriously?" Josh says "Look at this dumbass thing. It's bigger than a tape deck. If you want to hear more than one album, you got to carry all that too. It skips if you breath on it." Martin says "Then listen to the radio, dude. We have a situation here." Josh says "Yeah, about that, Urkel. Um.. what's really going on here?" he asks Josh and then he looks at us and I move my head to the side to show him where Sam is and tell him.

Cindy pov:

Y/n looks like she's zoned out "Babe? Y/n?" I say and then she looks at me "Mhm?" she says "You ok?" I ask her as go in front of her to look at me "Yeah i'm fine." she says "No you're not" I say "What's really going on Y/n Y/l/n Berman." I ask her "This." She says " marriage?" I asked scared, is she not in love anymore? i thought to myself "No, not that silly." she says laughing and I let out a relief sigh 'Ok good, well if it isn't that what is it?" I ask her "The curse." she says "Oh." I say "Yeah. I miss him." she says crying and I pull her in for a hug "It's ok baby. I miss him too even tho I didn't him that well." I say and then she chuckles "Yeah well he would be really happy that your making his little sister feel love." she says "Well i'm glad I get to make you feel that way babe." I say and then I pull her for a kiss and she pulls my hips and I jump and she grabs my legs "Oh come on. I leave to go get something to drink and grab something's for our plan and you guys are already trying to have sex again." Lexie says and Y/n lets me down"No one told you to come in here." she says pulling me forward and wraps her arms around me "Yeah whatever, here" she says giving Y/n something "What is it?" she asks her "Stuff to kill Goode" Lexie says "Come on hurry up." Lexie says "Ok jesus" Y/n says we all leave the store and we are walking in front of the hanging tree and Ziggy is right behind us we Y/n and Lexie look at the tree having flashbacks about what happened that night then Deena come right behind us and we gasp and then she look at us "This is it." Deena says "Yup" Ziggy says and we walk away and Deen just looks at the tree "Hey where's Josh and Martin?" Y/n ask Deena "I think they went outside for something, i don't know" Deena says "I'll go look for them." Y/n says "Ok" Deena replies "I'm going with you" I say but she stops me "No you stay right here with Ziggy, Lexie, and Deena, ok?" she says "Y/n" I say looking at her "I'll be back ok, don't worry." she says kissing me "Ugh fine" I say then she goes outside to see what Martin and Josh doing "I swear if she does something stupid to get herself hurt i'm gonna kill her." I say "Hey look she's fine ok? She's brave and she knows how to take care of herself ever since she was six, I mean we were still around and stuff but.." Lexie says "But what Lexie?" I ask her nervous and confused "It's not my story to tell, your gonna have to ask Y/n and if she doesn't tell you then let it go or wait until she's ready." Lexie says and then she gives me and little smile "Ok." I say to her and then she walks away.

here go besties im sorry that took so long im gonna fo chapter 3 now. anyways have a good day or night <33

the day i call you mine 2: it's happening again.. the curseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora