Chapter 5: The Student Council's New Historian

Start from the beginning


I was awoken by someone I've never met before. The only major feature he had is that he looked like he never slept in his life. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

I vaguely remember Chika calling him Prez'. Apart from that, I have no idea who this person is. 

"I'm Miyuki Shirogane, the president of the student council." 

Oh no, don't tell me that I'm in trouble or something. 

"We had a spot open in the student council, the spot being the Historian. You are perfectly qualified, I was wondering if you wanted to take on that role?" Shirogane asked. "It's a little bit extra work but you get plenty of privilege being in the student council!" 

F**k this, I'm not doing extra work. 

"I'm not interested." 


"I'm not interested," I bluntly repeated. 

Shirogane just turned around and walked away in defeat. 

As he was about leave the classroom I got up and chased him down. I remembered what my sister said yesterday. 


You know what? Maybe it's time I start making friends. 

"Shirogane-kun, I'll take the position." I dully said. 

When I said that, Shirogane suddenly looked like he is the happiest person alive. 

I will take on the role, but it doesn't change the fact that I do not want to do it. 

Gosh my sister can be so annoying sometimes. 

* * *

Hayasaka's POV: 

I heard from the Kaichou that Y/N is now part of the student council. Kaguya-sama was not happy at all about this. She's been over-working herself in an attempt to become smarter than him! 

Honestly, I don't know what I'll do with Kaguya-sama. She did task me to show Y/N where the student council room is though. 

I approached Y/N after school as he was walking home. 

"Excuse me, Y/N, I was supposed to show you where the student council room is. Do you have a minute or two?" I questioned. 

"Um, sure. Make it quick though." Y/N requested. 

After that moment, I just acted without thinking. I grabbed his hand and started running towards the student council room. 

"Wait wha-" 

"Relax Y/N, I'm just guiding you so that it'll be quicker." I smugly said. "You're having lewd thoughts, aren't you?"

"WHAT, NO!" a flustered Y/N responded. "I WOULD NEVER."

The Transfer Student (Ai Hayasaka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now