Chapter 4: Kaguya Wants To Know

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A/N: I demonized Kaguya in this chapter, so forgive me. Just thought it would make for a funny chapter. 

3rd Person POV (Narrator):

That day, when Y/N solved that insanely hard math question, everyone was impressed, except for one. 

Kaguya became jealous, even a bit mad. 

"A genius like me would even have a bit of problem solving it, and HE JUST DID IT PERFECTLY? I'm suspicious of him." 

Kaguya just couldn't accept the fact that she has some extra competition now. She would rather inaccurately accuse Y/N of being a cheater or suspicious. Kaguya was now determined to find out about Y/N's past and why he's even here in the first place. 

* * * 

After school, Kaguya made sure to ask one of the people at the Shinomiya mansion to do a background check on him. 

"Can you dig up some dirt on Y/N? He's very suspicious." Kaguya ordered. 

She's still jealous, she's just too prideful to admit it. 

In that moment, Hayasaka heard her orders. 

"Kaguya-sama, is everything alright?" 


"Are you sure you aren't just jealous?" 

"Be quiet Hayasaka, you like him so you'll obviously take his side." Kaguya retaliated. 

At this point Hayasaka had no idea how to respond. 

"Kaguya-sama, I would never be biased. You're just jealous you have competition." 

Hayasaka seemed calm on the outside, but on the inside, she was panicking.

"He is really cute, but I'm not sure I like him like that." she thought, not realizing her heart was racing and her face was red. 

Kaguya thought Hayasaka looked really cute when she's flustered and was about to tease her further when a third voice chimed in. 

"There's nothing on Y/N, his record is clean. He was a pretty average student in elementary school, but his middle school record is insanely good. Top of his class. He suddenly transferred here when his sister got a job at one of our rival's group." 

Kaguya was not happy with this answer. She was going to find out why Y/N transferred here. Kaguya is now not only jealous, but also a bit furious. (This went from her just being jealous to a full on investigation) 

"Hayasaka, I have a job for you relating to Y/N." 

"What is it?" 

"Talk to him and find out everything about him. Be careful around him though." 

* * *


I was just walking to school when Hayasaka walked up to me. 

"Hey Y/N!" Hayasaka greeted. 

I don't like this, she seems suspicious. Something about her feels off. 

"I was supposed to show you around, so make sure not to run off at break!" 

She's clearly faking this personality. For now though, I'll go with it.  I want to see what she's up to. 

* * *

Break came around... I decided to wait for Hayasaka because I wanted to see what her little game was. 

The Transfer Student (Ai Hayasaka x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang