Chapter 4: "Start of A Plan"

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A problem arises upon them...
neither of them remembers how dates work.

They tried recalling their experience of dating in the past but nothing seemed familiar. Paimon watched in silence as both were pacing in circles while thinking thoughtfully.
Aether asked Keqing how it went with her ex while they were still dating.

She said she'd forgotten everything after the breakup because she believes that work sealed away that memory from her.

It's no surprise though, she is a total workaholic but it must've been really depressing to forget the history with your first love, was what he thought.



(All this pressure is halting my mind from remembering anything.)
Eventually giving up, they decided to ask Paimon for help.

"Huh?! You want Paimon to decide everything for you during the date? Can't you decide yourselves? This isn't even Paimon's date."

"Paimon, we know you have almost all of the free time right now. Both of our heads are filled with need-to-do stuff. Basically, we don't have much time to think about problems like these," he stated.

"Grr, you always think Paimon's slacking off in the distance! Even Paimon has other useful things to do as well!"

"I know, I know. But just this once, please?"

"Hmm... bribe Paimon."

"Say what now?"

"Bribe. Paimon."

"Bribing? Let's see... aha! Say, if you do this... I'll treat you two to a feast at Xinyue Kiosk," Keqing persuades her.

"I'm surprised the Yuheng knows a thing or two about bribing."

"Oh, I get all types of bribes almost all of the time as the Yuheng. I still don't get why they continue to bribe me."

"I see."

"Xinyue Kiosk, you say?" Paimon paused and thought about it, (Wait a minute. Not only does Paimon get to feast on delicious delicacies at the end...) *gasp* (Paimon could also take a bunch of photos during the date! It's such an amazing one-time offer!)
"Huhuhu~ fine, Paimon will accept the job offer in exchange for this marvelous feast," a mischievous grin on her face.

"I forgot to mention that you will NOT be taking any photos during the date. Give it," Keqing held her hand out.

"Haa? P-Paimon never mentioned Paimon will take any photos during the date!"

"Don't make me laugh, I know an evil grin when I see one. And, I can see you holding a Kamera behind your back. Give it."

"This little thing? Uh, how about letting Paimon hold on to it, for now. Paimon doesn't trust you with it. Who knows you might end up dropping it and breaking it. K-Kameras aren't cheap, y'know?"

"Yeah, how about I  take this from you..." Aether snatched the Kamera out of her hands before stuffing it into his bag. "... so you won't 'accidentally' drop it?"

"A-Aether... please give it back to Paimon," she begged with a polite smile.

"How 'bout no."

"GIVE. IT. BAAAAAAAAACK!" Paimon dashed towards Aether while swinging her tiny arms to the sides.

He stops her by putting a hand on her face. She continues to struggle to take back the Kamera. Aether yawned effortlessly to taunt her.

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