Whose The Best?

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    Yunlan is not please seeing Guo in Shen Wei's arms. Eventhough he knows Guo is like a didi to Shen Wei.

   Monk Chu pat his shoulder as if he knows what's  on his mind. "Why not let them talk for a while." Something in Yunlan's  heart ache seeing Shen Wei  happy and forgotten him. As he felt he was replace.

    Eventhough  Monk Chu excitedly chat to him on what good deeds that Guo and him doing in the town.  Yunlan still look at Shen Wei's  way. "That is not healthy of being obsessed  with a certain person?" Yunlan smirk. "That's  not true!" He said. "Then why not go fishing with me? Like the old good times?"

   That made Yunlan worried, "My wife....." Monk Chu cut him, "Guo is with him! Nothing will happen  to him!" As he shout to Shen Wei  that he will take Yunlan to go fishing.

   Guo oblige  but not Shen Wei, "Master! Where are you going?" As Shen Wei  want to follow. "I never trust that monk with my husband! Remember! His one of the merry men who took me down!" Guo tried to stop him but still he follows.

   While walking, "I'm glad your here Guo! At least Yunlan would be free from his obligation to me!" Hearing that Guo eyes sparkle, "Really?! Like old good times master!" Shen Wei  nod. "I knew it! You also miss me!" But Guo never notice that Shen Wei  stop and accidentally  bump on his back. "Ouch! Master why did you stop?!" And rubbed his head.

   He look at the direction where Shen Wei  is starting . Yunlan took off his shirt while  monk Chu have taken his robe off just to dive in the water laughing. "Who gets many fishes is the winner!" While  holding their wooden spheres both dive underneath  the water.

   Shen Wei  run toward the shirt of his husband as he pick it up and smell it. Guo look weirdly at him."I knew it! That monk is up to no good! His seducing my Ah Lan!" Guo widen his eyes. He only see two friends trying to have fun in catching fish. "Master! You got it all wrong! Monk Chu is a nice monk he won't  steal anyone from anybody!" Shen Wei  glared at him. "He already have! And that's  you!"

   Guo almost pop his eyes, "What?!" Yunlan and Monk Chu on the other hand resurface from the water holding the spheres with many fishes in it. As they enjoy each other company.  But stop as they saw Shen Wei  intensely  looking at the almost crying Guo. "What's  going on?" Ask Yunlan.

   When both resurface Shen Wei  pulled Yunlan to him. And made him wear back his shirt, "Let's  go home!" Yunlan look puzzle but oblige to Shen Wei  command. Monk Guo wear back his clothes, "Child? What's  wrong I thought you will be happy seeing your master again?" As he comfort the crying Guo. And follow the newly wed couple.

   Shen Wei  help Yunlan in cooking. Yunlan notice Shen Wei  that everytime Guo tried to help him he will ignored him. "Do you want to talk?" Ask Yunlan while he kiss Shen Wei's  cheek. Shen Wei  blushed  a little  as he know there's  a visitors in  their house that might see them. Shen Wei  still didn't talk. Yunlan never pushed  him  further.

   But while they're  eating, Guo serve Shen Wei  like his master. But Shen Wei  again ignored him. "Okay? What's  going on?" Yunlan ask Monk Chu who also shrugged  his shoulder. But as Yunlan seen  Shen Wei  have a little  food on the side of his mouth he almost wipe it with his finger. But Guo beat him to it. By wiping it with a handkerchief. 

   Shen Wei  didn't  mind it and continue to eat. But when Yunlan saw his wife's glass is empty. He almost poured water on it but Guo beat him again by giving him orange juice. "Wait?!!! What?!!! Where did he get that?!" Yunlan whispered  to himself.  As he done it again giving Shen Wei  some bread when Guo beat him to it.
Monk Chu whose watching the scene, sigh. Until the bread he was about  to eat  was taken from him and given to Shen Wei  again.

   Who almost can't  eat anymore, Monk Chu pound his fist on the table, "WHAT THE *BLEEP!*" All was shocked hearing what he have said. He suddenly  realize what happened. And apologized  to God and to them.  As he continue to eat.

   Both Yunlan and Guo gaze intensely  at one  another. When Shen Wei  about to stand up. He was pulled back by them and given him foods and drinks again. "Master! Love this kind of breakfast!" Said Guo with a smirk. Yunlan won't  bow to him. "Huh?! My Xiao love this breakfast food than yours!!!"

   As they kept filling Shen Wei's plate, Monk Chu lost his appetite  because his foods was also given to Shen Wei.  He sigh in defeat and watch the poor Shen Wei  who almost blooted in eating.

    Once the breakfast incident is over Shen Wei  almost puke on what he have eaten. Monk Chu took pity on him. And rubbed  his back. But as Yunlan and Guo seen it. They shoved Monk Chu and they're  the one whose rubbing harshly Shen Wei's  back. "ENOUGH!!! GET OUT ALL OF YOU!!!" Shout Shen Wei  as he close the door with a bang.

   "This is all your fault!" Shout Yunlan.
"Me?!!! Your the one that pushed  that awful foods to my master!!!" Shout Guo.
Both looking intensely  at each other.  "Son don't be angry at him!" Monk Chu calmly said to Yunlan. "It's  not my fault?! Why don't  you ask him?" Guo can't  believe  what his hearing, "Whose  fault?! Isn't  it obivous! It's you!!!!" They kept arguing  until Monk Chu have enough and shouted at them to stop.

    "Maybe this is not the good time to be here Guo? You know they're  married already by the power of our king!" Guo didn't  want yo beleive  it but nod in response, "Just tell to my master I shall come back someday for him.....peasant!" As he look at Yunlan and walk away. Yunlan want to hit him in anger but Monk Chu stop him. "We will be leaving now! Goodluck in calming your wife!" As he left with  Guo.  Yunlan look trouble now on how calming his wife anger.



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