Mutual Feelings💚

Start from the beginning

He stood up and walked over to the mirror. The sight that was reflected almost took his breath away. He could see his neck and the area around his shoulders covered with light red bite marks. He smiled to himself, who was he to complain that he didn't like it when Win did this to him. Tomorrow both of them would have to wear turtle neck tshirts for their respective events because win looked pretty much the same as bright did right now. Again their friends would start teasing them about this as they all knew about the not so secret relationship Bright and Win shared. But
they never gave them away and always supported the two boys to remain strong despite the various attempts of fans and
various people to bring them down.

He loved Win and Win loved him. Most of the important people in their lives knew about this, Win had always been there for him
just as he had been there for Win. Even though he once said that love at first sight was when people spent their time together the
second he laid eyes on Win he knew that he was 'the one' for him. But at that time he was still together with his ex girlfriend and he couldn't do anything about it. The reason he acted cold the first time he met Win was because he was at a loss of words. No
kidding but Win had actually taken his breath away that very second.

Nnevy had been his girlfriend for a long time. He had loved her but he felt that there was always something missing in their relationship. After the problem she had caused with the chinese fans he took that opportunity to call it off with her because he knew that he couldn't pretend to love her anymore. And not to forget the fact that she always got moody when
he was with Win. She had often passed hints to Win through social media and also whenever they met but Win never cared about anything she said or did. She was gone for good.

You might be wondering how the whole relationship thing started. At first Bright wasn't sure what Win had in his mind. He didn't know if Win liked him the same way he did. But he on the other hand was completely in love with Win. 'Vachirawhipped' that's what their fans called it and he didn't deny. It was obvious by the way he stared at Win during interviews,
events and etc.

On Win's Birthday after they had surprised him with the cake and the event was over Bright walked into the room they were supposed to rest in. As he walked in he saw Win on the phone with his mother. She was
upset because he didn't get to celebrate it with them. They were the only people in the room. He knew that it was now or never, Locking the door behind him he went over to where Win was standing. Ignoring the butterflies that were dancing around his stomach he slowly wrapped his arms around Win waist.

He expected the younger to pull them away and hit him thinking that he was being teased or something. But much to his surprise Win leaned in to his chest and rested his head backways on Bright's neck. Bright slowly took the phone from Win's hand using one of
his hands while the other was still holding Win by his waist.

"Sawad-dee-krub Aunty." He didn't have to introduce himself as she already knew him by the voice.
" Don't worry aunty, Win will be with me
and I will make sure that he has an absolutely amazing time." - B
"I'm so glad that he has you son. Please take care of him for me." - Win's mom
"I will take care of him aunty. Don't worry." - B
"Okay then, Have fun son, I love you both" - Win's mom


Keeping the phone on the table next to them he once again wrapped both arms around Win. They stayed like this for almost a minute when Win suddenly took Bright's hand off his waist. 'Shit... I fucked up' was all Bright could think of. But to his surprise Win turned himself to face
"I might regret this later but here we go" said Win and Bright was confused about what Win was saying. Without giving Bright much time to think about what he meant Win crashed his lips on Bright's, Bright was shocked to death and stood there unmoving, Feeling no response from the older and instantly regretting what he did Win pulled back and
looked the other way.
"I'm sorry P'. That shouldn't have happened.

Bright snapped out of his trance. He still couldn't believe about what just happened. But he knew that if he didn't snap out he might lose his precious Win forever. He slowly took Win's face in his hands. Win wouldn't
look him in the eyes.
"Nong" Win slowly turned his head,
"I'm Sorry P. I know that I screwed up. I shouldn't have done that, Please don't be mad
at me. I can't lose you. It's wrong. You're in a relationship and you're..."

Win didn't get to finish what he was saying as Bright kissed Win to shut him up. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, Once they broke from the kiss he held Wins face so that Win would look him straight in the eyes. "Don't ever say
that you regret kissing me again or I might just die from a broken heart."

Win immediately hugged Bright as hard as he could hiding his head in Bright's chest. It was this moment that changed everything. The moment they realized that the feelings were mutual. Snapping out of his thoughts Bright stepped into the shower and had a quick wash. Once he was dry he wore his cloths and went back to his room. He saw Win laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. Once Win felt Bright's presence he looked at him. Bright climbed onto the bed and without wasting more time, Win wrapped himself in the olders arms.

"I still can't believe it " - B
"What can't you believe P'? " asked Win looking up to meet Bright's eyes that were already on him.
"That you're mine " with this he kissed Win's forehead.
"Goodnight Bunny"
"Goodnight my dear wolfie"


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