Y/n- Eliott and Alycia.

She walks up to me and Natasha and hugs us both.

P- Your dad would be so proud of you my baby.

N- I'm sure he is right now.

I am sure of it too. I'm sure he's looking at me from heaven right now and smiling at this vision of joy.

Y/n- Thanks. I'm sure too.

Pepper walks away and approaches Wanda to hug her in turn.

N- Alright, let's go see them.

I walk over to Wanda and carry her to sit her in the wheelchair

W- Thanks baby.

I kiss her cheek and take the handles to walk forward and out of the bedroom.

After a few minutes wandering the corridors of the hospital we met Yelena and Carol who were looking for us, we finally arrive in front of the window where all the newborns are under surveillance.

P- Where are they ?

I point to two small beds pushed together where there are two beautiful babies, even more beautiful than a few hours ago.

Y- Wow, this is the first time that I see such beautiful babies.

Yelena hit Natasha's shoulder gently with a smile.

Y- Поздравляю сестру. (Congratulations sister)

N- Спасибо. (Thanks)

P- They are so cute and they are so peaceful and small....

W- The fact that they were born a little before the term means that we are going to stay here for a few days.

C- I admit that I am not a fan of babies but these are cute.

Indeed they are. Like all the babies in this room but my eyes never leave the ones I will love for the rest of my life. This feeling... I thought I would never feel it again. It's the same feeling I felt when I realized that I was in love with these two women. But this time it's like meeting new beings. Little human beings who will grow up and whom I will love until my death.

P- They have the same nose as you Wanda!

Y/n- I realized that too !

N- I agree.

Y- Yep

W- Where is Steve ?

N- Ooh he called, He tried to leave but Buddy kept crying because he was all alone in a huge Tower so he stay there and wait for us to come home. I will send him pictures.

W- Alright.

I take Natasha's hand and put my other hand in Wanda's hair. I look at Wanda's face she has her tired eyes

Y/n- Okay so, let's go back to the bedroom now.

Mom, Natasha, Carol and Yelena walk up to the bedroom as I approach Wanda's ear.

Y/n- I know you're tired baby.

W- I know but a few more minutes please.

She looks at me in the eyes with her doggy look and I can't help but agree.

So that she can see the twins better, I put my hands around her and I help her get up. She stands in front of me and leans her back against me for good support and she takes my hands. She puts her head back and lays it on my shoulder.

Y/n- I was the happiest woman and now I am the happiest mother and woman.

W- I know how it feels, me too. I can't stop thinking about Pietro... he was my twin brother too.

I bring my hand to her cheek, squeezing body her against mine.

Y/n- I know Sweetheart. He looks at you from up there and he's the proudest. He looks at you with tears in his eyes, saying to himself "I had the best sister in the world. The strongest and the bravest"

She turns to face me. Her tearing eyes staring into mine. Her piercing emerald gaze.

W- Thank you.

Her voice cracks at the end and she wraps her arms around me, putting her head against my chest. I look behind her and Natasha walks up to us.

N- Are you okay Wands ?

Wanda turns to Natasha who has a worried look. She takes Nat in her arms.

After a few seconds Wanda pulls away crying a little. Natasha brings her hand to her face to pull a lock of hair away from her face.

N- Tell me what's wrong Wands.

W- Promise me yo- you'll never leave. To never leave me a- alone, okay? It's too late to do that !

She said between a few sobs.

Y/n- We already told you Wanda. We will never leave you. Not like before, okay? You shouldn't be in such a state for that Baby.

W- I know it's- it's the hormones that are still there. 

Natasha puts her hand behind Wanda's head and pulls it to her chest to give her a hug.

N- We love you baby.

W- Always and Forever ?

Y/n- Yeah, Always and Forever, I promise.

After kisses and a last hug Wanda sits in the wheelchair

N- Let's go back to the bedroom now.

W- Okay...

She whispered, tired.


Don't worry if I don't post for like... a week or two, it's because I'm in vacations and not because I stop 😉

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