New pets

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Grian yipped happily as he chased Xisuma and Mumbo around the lab, the rabbit jumping onto one of the higher shelves to escape the energetic fox. He tackled Mumbo to the ground playfully, tail wagging at the hissing cat. Scar giggled at his pets as he watched the animals mindlessly play with one another.

"So, you're not even letting them have human consciousness anymore?" Cub asked as he set down his fork, the two ConVex enjoying some cake to celebrate the successful tests of their animal potions.

"Nope! Why would they need it? They're our pets, plus, I like them better this way." Scar commented as he happily bit into a sweet piece of cake, Cub shrugging it off as he continued to enjoy his dessert.

Scar turned his attention back to the playing animals. Xisuma was now asleep on one of the higher shelves, while Grian played with Mumbo's tail. The cat looked bothered, but overall didn't seem to be that upset.

"So, did you finish?" The ConVex asked his partner as he looked away from the animals, Cub nodding as he stood up, putting on his lab coat.

"Yep, all we need to do now is deliver this little 'presents' to each of the hermits. Once the hermits open the shulker boxes, they'll find an array of potions and food, all of them laced with our animalistic potions."

"Perfect! Oh, this is so much fun!" Scar giggled as he leaned back in his chair, Mumbo wandering over to rub his head against the terraformer's leg.

"Our only main problem is Iskall. They could tell the other hermits about our little experiments, so we should hurry and take care of them."

Scar nodded, gently petting the cat's head. Xisuma quickly got jealous, jumping off the shelf to run over to the ConVex, pushing Mumbo aside to gain Scar's affection. Grian ran over too, yipping and whining for attention.

This was how it should have been.

They were fighting for his affection, his love. They would do anything for him. Oh, once the whole server were his pets, it would be perfect.

"Scar? Scar! Are you even listening to me?" Cub asked, a tad annoyed at his partner, who was zoning out. He blinked, giving a quick nod to his partner.

"Of course! I was just thinking about how beautiful the other hermits will be as hybrids."

"Well, you take care of the gift boxes to the other hermits. I'll find Iskall."

"Sounds good to me!" Scar said, standing up to head out of the lab. He gave each of the animals a quick pet before tucking away around twenty shulker boxes, leaving to deliver the gifts.

Cub stood up, walking over to his desk, lifting up a syringe filled with a bubbling red potion. He smile, glancing to the three animals.

"Don't worry, Iskall and the others will be join you soon," he cooed softly to the animals, who were all blissfully ignorant about what was about to happen.

They were mindless, ignorant, and obedient. And the ConVexs loved it.


Bdubs and Keralis had finally returned to the server.

They were happy to be back, to see the new builds and catch up with one another. They were relaxing at the construction site of Bdubs' diorite castle, which had barely been started.

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