xiv. the breakout

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WAKING UP, Margot felt a heavy weight on her right arm and her left shoulder

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WAKING UP, Margot felt a heavy weight on her right arm and her left shoulder. She feared that shifting her position or trying to get out of bed would wake up the two - Connie clinging to her right arm and Jean resting his head on her shoulder - so she stayed where she was, feeling unusually content as she waited for them to wake up.

Thankfully, that didn't take long, Jean waking up first and removing his head from her shoulder, stretching his long limbs before walking over to Connie and disturbing his slumber, waking him up.

   "Connie, you're gonna cut off Margot's circulation if you hug her arm any tighter," Jean said, voice rasped from only just waking up. Connie only mumbled something incoherent and stirred in his sleep, signifying that he was awake but not ready to get up yet.

   "Connie, can I have my arm back please?" Margot chuckled. Eventually he did let go, dragging himself out of bed and stretching.

   "I'm surprised you're even awake, Margot," Connie mumbled as he dragged his feet across the room, half-awake while scratching his head. "You don't usually wake up until late afternoon."

   "I wake up when my body is ready to wake up. Rest is good for the soul," Margot excused, staying in bed as the two men gathered their things. "Which is why I'm staying in bed for a few more hours. I'm still tired."

   "So, nothing's changed since cadet training," Jean chuckled, his hand narrowly missing her head as she hid beneath the duvet. "Actually, you've always been like this."

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You guys go and get breakfast, I'll be up later," Margot said, waving her hand dismissively. Connie and Jean bidded her goodbye before heading to the dining hall to eat, leaving her on her own in the bedroom. 

Acantha's letter was everything Margot had expected it to be, realising this as she read the letter a couple hours after Jean and Connie had left. Acantha scolded Margot for going to the fight in Marley, reminding her that while she was not Queen on Paradis, she was Queen of Lyria. Margot's death on land that wasn't their own would result in political conflict, one both Margot and Acantha wanted to avoid. There were already enough war going on. Sighing tiredly, Margot fell back onto her bed and let her eyes flicker of the letter again. She knew she couldn't just stand back - while she had responsibilities, Paradis was her home first. She was born there with her brother, and both of her parents were born there, too. And even then, she still had some family - Levi.

   "I wonder how Levi is, babysitting that walking furball," Margot thought out loud, referring to Zeke. At least now that she wasn't with Eren, she wouldn't have to think about Zeke and Levi being in-laws. The thought alone was both amusing and exhausting. A knock at the door drew her from her thoughts, and she murmured a response, sitting up and watching it open.

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