37. Gunshots

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I hear 2 mens voices along with Josh's and a lot of yelling. I scream as I feel someone touch my hair and then a gun goes off. All I remember is hitting the floor and an intense pain in my thigh.


The first thing I hear is a beeping machine which I recognise as a heart monitor. I feel Josh's hand in mine and I open my eyes. I hear a sigh of relief from josh and see Daisy on my other side. I use my left hand to rub my eyes when a shot of pain electrocutes my body. I groan and feel Josh touch my leg.

J: "Does it hurt? Do you need some painkillers?"

I nod and hear Josh stand up. I open my eyes and Daisy smiles at me.

D: "Hey gorgeous, how are you feeling?"

Y: "Like I've been shot"

I hear her giggle.

D: "Mm well, that's kind of what happened"

Y: "What did happen though?"

The door opens again and Josh comes in with a nurse. She smiles at me and I do my best to return it. She walks over to a small cabinet and takes out a pot of pills. She puts two in her hand and gets me a glass of water. She puts them on my desk side table and looks at me.

N: "Hey Blair, can you take these two pills for me please? They will help numb the pain. I'll come back soon with a  doctor to have a chat with you"

I nod and try reach over for the pills and water before Josh stops me.

J: "I'll get them, dont stretch yourself too much."

He leans over to get them for me and puts it in my hand. I take them and immediately swallow half of the water before coughing.

Y: "What happened?"

I hear Josh let out a shallow breath.

J: "What can you remember?"

I close my eyes and think back to the last thing I can remember.

Y: "I-I can remember going back into the apartment with you, and it was dark. As soon as I went in, I was shoved against a wall and there was lots of shouting. I remember three men including you, yelling. I tried to push myself away from the door and I just remember being hit with something. Falling to the floor and everything going black"

J: "That's amazing if thats everything you can remember. When we went into the apartment, we were being robbed. I was the person to shove you against the wall so you couldnt get hurt. I didnt realise they had weapons so I lunged at them punching and they were trying to shoot me, not you. The guy had terrible aim and hit you instead. My main priority was you and if you were ok because I was praying that it had hit the wall by you and not actually you and they took the opportunity to run. As soon as I saw blood on the carpet, I rang for an ambulance. You've had surgery on you're thigh as you lost quite a bit of blood"

Y: "How long have I been asleep?"

J: "About 12 hours, it happened last night and you got out of surgery at around 3am, now its 9am you've been asleep for 6 hours as the anesthetic was wearing off"

Y: "Have you even slept?"

J: "Well it was good I had that nap yesterday evening, cause no I didn't, too worried about you and I couldn't possibly sleep while you were in surgery potentially dying"

I smile and squeeze his hand. I remember Faisy and look at her.

Y: "So how long have you been here?"

D: "About 2 hours now, Liam left about 15 minutes before you woke up"

I nod and rub my head.

J: "Go back to sleep if you're still tired, you look like you need it"

Y: "Thanks Josh,"

D: "Are you hungry or thirsty? I need an excuse to get food"

J: "Bacon sandwich from the canteen would be nice, I'll pay you once you get back"

D: "Anything else? Blair?"

As they were talking, I start to feel dizzy. I hold onto the side of the bed to steady myself but the feeling gets even more intense. I hear Daisy and Josh's voices in the background and it all goes black again...

Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I've updated, I needed a break for my mental health. I'm gonna finish the book as soon as possible since I've delayed the ending by almost 2 months. Thank you for all the milestones we've hit including 10k!!! You have no idea the feeling once I came back to check my account. Thanks so much for all the follows, votes and comments I've gotten  and thank you for waiting. More updates coming soon! Stay safe xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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