4. Fake Friends

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I try settle down and start on Italian revision but it's all I can think about. I hear Josh come in an hour later and he comes in.

J: 'Ok I have 3 guesses on what your doing right now, studying?'

I smile at him.

Y: 'Trying too, it's just, you were kind if right'

J: 'Give me a minute, let me change first and then spill'

I smile and nod. He goes and comes back in just sweatpants a few minutes later. He moves a stack of folders off the desk and puts them on the floor. He sits down and looks at me.

J: 'So what have I been right about? I'm never right about anything lmao'

I giggle and lean back in your chair.

Y: 'You were half right with what you said this morning'

J: 'Wait you know who was telling you to kill yourself?! Give me name and I'll go hunt them down.'

I giggle.

Y: 'I wish, but you were kind of right on the fake friends, Mia was being really snappy at me today, she wouldnt stop going on about how much money I had cause my parents inheritance and being fostered by a rich family and getting a scholarship because I have a budge on how much I spend on lunch per day.'

J: 'Ok 1. The fuck are you telling her shit like that about having a rich foster family and inheritance, that's literally a person's biggest way into your life, not for you, for your money. 2. Are you ok, cause that might be a sensitive topic to talk about, your parents, and 3. There is no way shes not a gold digger and 4. Did she say or do anything else?'

Y: 'I didnt think she was like that! When she first sat next to me in class yesterday she seemed like a really nice girl who just wanted to be friends!'

J: 'Some people arent who you think they are,'

Y: 'When we went out to get lunch today, she started body shaming me cause I was gonna get a medium salad even though she got a large and said 'dont wanna get fat'.'

J: 'Tell me you got the medium'

Y: 'I got the small'

J: 'You asshole, should have got the mf medium if you were hungry'

Y: 'Kinda was'

J: 'Tell me that's it's

I shake my head.

Y: 'I saw her hide her purse in the  bottom of her bag and said that she left it in the lecture hall so I would pay for our meals even though she spent over $30, I went up to the waiter and told him we were paying separately so I played for my stuff and walked out'

J: 'Is this bitch not tired from being so rude? I mean as you should telling the waiter you were paying separately and walking out'

Y: 'I told her I had the afternoon off and she asked if I could take her back to Uni cause she couldn't be bothered to walk'

J: 'And what you did for her last night, imma go roundhouse kick her asshole'

Y: 'Dont think she'd mind since it's you lmao'

He smiles.

J: 'You hungry now?'

I nod.

J: 'Let's get takeout again, you pick'

Y: 'Ummm, I dont mind you pick'

J: 'Your so shy and easier its unreal, you gotta learn to stand up for yourself!'

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