11. Confused

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I smile at the message.

Y: 'To be honest same'

I close my phone not realising that Daisy saw everything. I get another message and my heart drops.

D: 'Saw that message'

Y: 'Go along with what I do next'

I stand up and put a clip on my doritos bag.

Y: 'Going to get snacks anyone want anything?'

I look at Daisy purposely.

D: 'Yeah I'll come'

I nod and go to the kitchen.

Y: 'Dont you dare tell anyone about that'

D: 'One condition'

I roll my eyes.

D: 'You tell me what you did in that apartment cause that's a fresh hickey and you clearly didnt shower'

She touches a lock of your greasy hair.

Y: 'Alright fine'

She smiles.

D: 'Me and Liam can get you two together if you want'

I giggle.

Y: 'If I said no you'd do it anyway'

She giggles.

D: 'Probably would, now spill'

I tell her and by the time I'm done her jaw is on the floor.

D: 'Miss girl your so lucky you share an apartment with your crush!'

Y: 'Hes not my crush and plus you sound like a 13 year old'

She smiles.

D: 'You can deny it but its clearly true, I have one question'

Y: 'What'

D: 'What are you guys? Some sort of roommates with benefits or sum'

I laugh.

Y: 'That's such a weird way of putting it, to be honest I dont really know, all I know is that its gonna be so awkward when I go back to the apartment tomorrow'

D: 'Yeah that will be awkward, also we'd better go back in or ot will be hella sus'

I grab a bag of gummy bears and go back inside Rihannas room with Daisy.

C: 'Yall having some sort of deep conversation in there?'

Y: 'No, just talking'

R: 'Aw I think it's cute that Josh cant stop thinking about you'

Y: 'You guys were listening in?!'

N: 'No you left your phone in here and we investigated'

My jaw drops and I grab my phone.

G: 'You know if you want, you can go back to Josh and skip the sleepover'

I shake my head.

Y: 'Would be too awkward, plus I wanna stay here with you girls'

D: 'Um chile anyways'

We all laugh and decide to play truth or dare.

D: 'Ok I'll go first, Rihanna, truth or dare'

R: 'I ain't no pussy, dare'

We all laugh.

D: 'Alright, I dare you to take off your shirt and bra, we will all close our eyes if you want'

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