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Professor Dumbledore's office is full to the brim of curiosities and  incredible magical trinkets, but Teddy can't bring herself to give them  anything more than a quick cursory glance before fixing her gaze firmly  on her old Headmaster

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Professor Dumbledore's office is full to the brim of curiosities and incredible magical trinkets, but Teddy can't bring herself to give them anything more than a quick cursory glance before fixing her gaze firmly on her old Headmaster.

Dumbledore has been quiet since her arrival — he had hardly seemed surprised at all when she had burst into his office, sweaty and panicked and clutching Granny the kneazle in her arms like an extremely large and hairy baby because he hadn't wanted to climb the stairs to the office.

She had written frantically to McGonagall as soon as she had managed to scrape herself up off the ground, and had made her way to Hogwarts at once. It had been the wee hours of the morning when she had arrived in Dumbledore's office, and she had clearly woken him judging by the striped nightgown he's wearing. He had listened in intent silence as she had recounted Regulus' warning, and she had begged him for help. Now, he stares thoughtfully into the distance, his chin resting on his interlocked fingers as he seems to ponder her words thoughtfully.

"He said four weaknesses?" The Headmaster says at last, his voice soft and contemplative. "You are quite sure?"

"Yes." Teddy breathes, clutching Granny to her chest. The kneazle is surprisingly docile considering how hard she's squeezing him, and Teddy wonders if he can sense how sick with worry she is. "Professor, what he said about the prophecy- about the baby-"

Dumbledore holds up a wizened, wrinkled hand to stop her there. His brow is furrowed into a thoughtful frown, the skin crinkling like crepe paper. Though his expression is pensive, for just a brief moment there looks to be a flash of triumph in his pale blue eyes.

"I had suspected, but to have it confirmed..." He trails off, then looks back to Teddy. "Young Mister Black gave no indication of where he was going or what specifically he was searching for?"

"No." Teddy swallows. Regulus' ring feels like a lead weight where it sits on her finger. "He just said that he was going to take care of things. Professor, James and Lily-"

"Of course," Dumbledore inclines his head, his expression as placid and unreadable as ever. "I am familiar with this prophecy."

Teddy stares at him, speechless. In all her panic, she hadn't considered the fact that Dumbledore might already be aware of the fact that Voldemort was planning on setting out to kill her family. Her voice cracks when she says, "You know?"

"Yes," He says simply, peering at her over his half-moon spectacles. "I was present when it was delivered."

"Then- then-" Teddy flounders for a moment, helpless. "Then it's real? James and Lily are in danger-!"

"There is no real proof that the prophecy refers to James and Lily's child." He interrupts gently. "It only speaks of a child born at the end of July of this year." As soon as Teddy's shoulders begin to relax slightly, he continues. "However, I have been informed through a reliable source that Lord Voldemort does, indeed, believe James and Lily's unborn child to be the boy prophesised."

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