filthy mouth.

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The first half of their first week back at Hogwarts passes smoothly  and without event

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The first half of their first week back at Hogwarts passes smoothly  and without event. In fact, it may be the quietest week in Hogwarts  since the Marauders had started school.

It should be  peaceful, but Teddy can't help but feel a little lonely. She has Alice  and Mary, of course, but they're all feeling the loss of Lily and  Marlene and Dorcas. Teddy also feels the loss of Remus and the time  they'd spend reading together in the library, and James and Sirius and  their stupid jokes and teasing. She even misses Peter, and the way he  used to pass her a piece of whatever candy he'd be eating without being  asked.

There's one other person who seems to feel a similar way, though not about the Marauders. The Prewett brothers had a reputation for trouble-making almost as impressive as her brother and his mates, but Fabian had graduated at the same time as the Marauders. His younger brother, Gideon, clearly felt the loss keenly - however, he also seems to be determined to continue to establish his own reputation for being an absolute hellion.

On Thursday in Transfiguration, the final class of the day, Gideon transfigures Macnair's chair into an enormous toad.

"Fuck!" Macnair roars as he crashes to the ground, the toad bellowing as it gets tangled in his legs.

The whole class is startled silent for a long moment, before everyone begins to roar with laughter. Even Macnair's friends are snickering — Barty Crouch Jr throws his head back and practically cackles, despite the look of thundrous rage that's brewing on Macnair's face.

Gideon is grinning, wild and careless, watching the chaos unfold with pure glee. He barely reacts at all when Macnair leaps to his feet and whirls on him, plunging his hand into his robes to grab for his wand.

"Mister Macnair!" Professor McGonagall's voice cracks through the room like a whip. "Sit down at once!"

"My chair is a toad!" Macnair roars, his face reddening as the class bursts into a renewed round of laughing. "Because of that rotten blood-traitor-!"

"Macnair!" McGonagall's voice has gone so cold that it's practically sub-zero, and her tone stifles the laughter immediately. "Blood-purist ideals will not be tolerated in my classroom. If I hear you use that language again, I will have you thrown out of Hogwarts on your ear. Now sit down."

Macnair still looks furious, but he clenches his jaw and remains silent. When McGonagall transfigures his the toad back into his chair in one sharp movement of her wand, he sinks wordlessly back into it. Crouch snickers and nudges at his arm, and he presses his lips so tightly together that they turn bloodless.

McGonagall narrows her eyes, then turns on Gideon. "Prewett, see Mr Filch for detention on tomorrow evening."

"Alright, Professor." Gideon says good-naturedly, cradling his chin in his hands. The punishment doesn't seem to bother him at all - nor does the dangerous glare Macnair levels him with from across the room.

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