5. Conflicted

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"Formula W?" repeated Mollie, sure she must have misheard.

"Yes Mollie. We want our dream team back together. You and Sophia. Jodie and Lily just didn't work. Talented girls but they weren't  you and Sophia. I know there's some bad memories after what happened, but I know you can do it.  I believe in you Mollie."

Mollie shook her head in shock.  It wasn't the racing that was worrying her. It was seeing Seb again after all this time.  There was no way she'd be able to avoid him.

"Franklin, I'm sorry. I can't. You'll have to look elsewhere."

Franklin smiled kindly. "At least take the 48 hours before you turn me down."

Mollie reluctantly agreed, although she didn't see how 48 hours was going to make a difference. 

"So why bring me all the way out here?  Why not call me, or why didn't Matthew ask me? I see him regularly."

Franklin laughed. "Well I guess we were trying to be sneaky. We hoped when you met up with Sophia you'd feel nostalgic and more likely to want to get the dream team back together. " it's Mollie had to laugh. If it hadn't been for the Seb factor his ploy may have worked.

"Mollie," he said, his voice developing a serious tone. "Please think about it. Your talent shouldn't be wasted. I know there's bad memories but you are a fighter. You've shown that before. I know you've got it inside you. You are one of the bravest drivers I've ever had on one of my teams. And I've had a lot of drivers drive for me over the years. I think it's more than just the driving isn't it? It's Sebastian."

Mollie couldn't deny it. It was the truth. She sat there in silence.

"I don't know what went on between you two. I don't want to know, that's your business, but I just don't want to see you throw away your career because of him. I don't want you to turn around ten, twenty years down the line and have regrets. Because you will Mollie. So please, really think hard."

Mollie nodded. "Franklin, I promise I will."

"That's all I can ask of you. Now, I have some boring meetings to attend. I'll look forward to hearing from you."

Mollie headed out of the office and outside to the parking lot. She knew she had to make the hardest decision of her life. What should she do?

Her head was screaming at her to accept Franklin's offer. She knew deep down she belonged in Formula W. The champion in her knew she was wasted in the lower formulas. Her heart was telling her she couldn't handle seeing Seb again.

His words were still burnt into her memory. Her heart was still broken.

The next 48 hours dragged. 24 hours in and she decided to go for a run to clear her head. Her thoughts were scrambled. She wished there was someone she could talk to, to ask their advice. She knew this was her decision but it would be good to get someone else's opinion. She knew she couldn't ask Sophia. She would just want Mollie back whatever.

Who could she ask who would be honest and just want the best for her? Then she knew who she needed to speak to.

She pulled over and sat on a bench to catch her breath. Once she was rested she took her phone out of her pocket.

She dialled the number and waited for the call to be answered.

"Hello Mols, what's up? You're calling late."

Mollie apologised after realising it was only nearly midnight back in the UK.

"It's ok honey. What's wrong?"

"Dad, they want me back in Formula W," she blurted out.

"Of course they do. You're the best. They'd be mad if they didn't."

"I don't know what to do. I'm conflicted. Part of me is desperate to get back there. To show that I've still got it. I've seen the press saying I'm finished. That the accident was the end of Mollie Rashford. But the other part of me..."

"It's only natural to be nervous of going back. It was a tragedy Mols, but you pulled through."

"It's not the driving Dad. It's..."

"Seb. Mols, I know. He hurt you. I get it. You disappeared off of the face of the earth for several months because of him. But Mols, you're back. You cannot let him define you. If you want to turn this chance down then do it because of the right reasons. Not because of him. You are a fighter Mol. You always have been from the minute you were born. If you want this, grab it with both hands. Don't let the thought of Seb put you off. "

"You always talk sense. Thanks Dad. I love you."

"I love you too Princess. You'll make the right decision."

Mollie hung up. She stood and carried on running. Was her dad right? Of course he was, but she just didn't know how her heart would handle seeing Seb again. She was still madly in love with him.


Mollie waited outside Franklin Brooke's office the next day. She had made her decision. It hadn't been easy. In fact, it had been the hardest decision of her life.

The door opened and Franklin peered out.

"Come on through Mollie. I'm having a really bad morning. Please tell me you have some good news for me."

Mollie entered the office and sat down in the same chair as she had 48 hours ago.

"Well I thought about it like you asked. My concerns are still relevant. I'm still not sure about this Franklin. However I appreciate that you need to know as need time to seek an alternative if needed. So I've made my decision."

"So what is it to be?"

"It's a yes Franklin, as long as my contract has certain conditions."

"Name them."

"I want just a one year deal, I don't want to get tied into a longer contract in case it doesn't work out for me. I want my people back, if they're still there. Joel, Cassie. No big publicity that I'm back. Keep it as quiet as you can for as long as you can. I really don't want the media in my face about this."

"You've got it. Financially this is what we can offer. Fifteen percent raise on your last salary. So what do you say Mollie? Are you in?" he asked, holding his hand out.

Mollie put her hand in his and shook it firmly.

"I'm in."

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