4. Reunited

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Early February, 2023. Brooke Racing HQ, Florida

Mollie smiled as she saw the familiar face. She ran towards her and they threw their arms around each other. They both laughed as they held each other tightly.

"It's so good to see you. I can't believe it's been so long," Mollie exclaimed, close to tears.

"Where the hell have you been hiding girl?" Sophia cried. 

"Here and there, floating around,"Mollie answered.

"I've missed you so much. No one's seen you since Abu Dhabi.  Have you been in touch with Seb? He's been frantic!"

"No. Seb and I...we're over.  He said something to me that I can't forget.  Please, I don't want to talk about him.  How the hell are you?  I watched all your races online last season.  Soph, you were amazing.  I'm so happy you won the championship."

"Amazing what I can do when I don't have to race against you!" Sophia jested.  "Speaking of you, any plans to race again?  I know Franklin has spoken to you.  That's why you're here I guess?"

"Yeah, he got in touch through my parents. I'm guessing he wants me to take your place now you're heading back to Formula W.  I was pleased to see that. You deserve to be there."

"So do you.  In fact, you probably deserve more than that .  You were always too good for the rest of us.  It was only....". She fell silent.

"You can say her name.  I'm not going to break down."

Sophia smiled apologetically. 

"Elena.  She was the only one that really put up a fight."

"Soph, should I have settled?  Was it my fault?"

"Never.  Who told you that?  Shit, was that what Seb said to you?"   Mollie nodded, sadly.  "No wonder you left.  What a dickhead! No Mols. You're a racer. You were doing what any of us would have done.   Elena made her own decisions that day and the rest of us have have to live with them.   I've heard Annette may never race again.  Emilia is doing good but still has nightmares.  I've stayed in touch with her.  She's a lovely girl.  I'm sorry I didn't really get to know her earlier. She's back racing this year too."

"And you?"

"Me? I'm ok.  Yeah I still sometimes have a flashback.  Mainly to when I was sat there in the car waiting for the medics.   I knew it was a bad accident.  I knew I'd be ok but I  was worried for all of you.  And you Mollie?  How are you coping now?"

Mollie sighed.  It had been the worst year of her life, even worse than her accident all those years ago. 

"I have good days and I have bad days.   I just keep thinking about what may have happened if I'd have settled.  But I know I did the right thing deep down.  I just can't get over her not being here. I hated her so much but I think the sport needed her, needed our rivalry.  Watching it last season, it just didn't seem....exciting.  Maybe you can inject some excitement back into it."

"So are you going to drive again?"

"I already have been Soph. I've been testing a Thorne F3 car around Silverstone, getting fit and trying to decide my future.  I'd sworn I wasn't going to race again but it's part of who I am.  I'm going to hear Franklin out.  Then I'll make my decision."

"I hope you do race.  You're too talented to give it up."

"So, Lily's going back to Zenith then?"

"Yeah.  She just never settled and Miriam's retired so I guess it was the logical option. I'm kinda looking forward to partnering Jodie, although she'll never compare with you.  She's a talented driver."

"She is good," Mollie agreed. 

"Mollie, so good to see you!  You're looking well.  Come on through," Franklin Brooke said, peering around his office door. 

Mollie hugged Sophia one more time, promised to stay in touch and headed into the office. 

She found Franklin stood looking out of the big window. 

"Mollie, have a seat," he said.  She lowered herself onto the comfortable looking leather chair in front of his desk.  "How are you doing?"

"Good thanks Mr Brooke.  How are you?"

"Can't complain kiddo. Can't complain.  And it's Franklin. You've known me long enough to be on first name terms.  Ok, so I won't beat around the bush.  I hear you've been testing one of Matthew's cars on and off since October.  He says you've still got it kiddo."

"I guess you just can't take the driver out of me."

"Ok. I'll lay it on the line.  We've found ourselves in a bit of a predicament. Three months until the season starts and we are still a driver down.  There have been potential candidates but no one really fits the bill like you do.  You know the team.  You have the talent.  I just needed to know if you had the will, that fire inside you.   Mollie, I want you to drive.  I don't need an answer now.  But I need it soon.  Very soon.  If it's a no we need to explore the alternatives ASAP.  But we want you."

"Wow, I am honoured Mr Brooke.....Franklin.  I'll be honest with you.  I am tempted. I miss racing so much.  I still want to race. I'm just afraid that I'm not the racer I was."

"Understandable after what you went through. You are a risk Mollie, but one we are willing to take. You proved me right once before and I truly believe that you will prove me right again."

"Can I let you know in a couple of days? I want to think it through carefully instead of making a rash decision."

"Of course. You have 48 hours, then I will need an answer."

"Have they changed the start date?"


"You said three months.  I thought it started at the beginning of April.  That's two months."

Franklin gave her a strange look. 

"Mollie, you've got the wrong end of the stick.   We've already signed Stacey Cormack to replace Sophia.  We don't have a spare seat in Indy W."

It was Mollie's turn to be confused. 

"Mollie, this is not public information yet but Jodie Morgan has quit.  She's pregnant.  Mollie, we want you to return to TBR.  We want you back in Formula W."

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