11. Time to Let Go?

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Seb had arrived in Baku with a healthy championship lead. He'd won comfortably in Monte Carlo, a mad race that had seen so many retirements.

He felt on edge from the moment he landed in Azerbaijan. He knew that Mollie was there. He was so desperate to see her but he'd vowed to stay away for now. It was for the best. It would do neither of them any good to get into another quarrel. And it obviously would end up that way. If she'd have wanted to see him she knew exactly where to find him. And she hadn't,  so it was clear that she didn't.

Antti had remarked on Seb's low mood at breakfast on media day. Seb had almost ripped his head off when he'd asked if it was about Mollie.

Now arriving at the track, Seb had shut himself in his driver's room. Britta had shrugged when Antti had told her about Seb's mood.

"I didn't expect anything different," she answered. "He's clearly still not over Mollie."

"If only we could get them both in the same place at the same time. If they would only talk to one another, I'm sure they could sort this out quickly."

"Antti, I know your heart's in the right place but we shouldn't interfere. They need to deal with this their own way."

Antti sighed. "I know Britta but he's hurting bad. He has been ever since she left him. I don't even know why she left. All he'll say is that he fucked up."

Britta knew exactly how Seb had fucked up. He'd confided in her. She couldn't really blame Mollie for leaving. What Seb had said had been cruel.

"We just need to let things take their natural course," Britta added. "Antti, we just need to be there for him." Antti nodded. It was all they could do.


Mollie pulled her cap on and headed out for an evening jog after free practice was done. She couldn't bear being cooped up indoors anymore but as usual, she didn't feel like socialising.

She ran and ran until the sweat was dripping down her face. She stopped and bent over, her hands on her knees.

"Mollie!" someone called. She turned around and saw Will Barnes jogging towards her. She smiled at him as he came to a stop in front of her.

"Hey Will, how's it going?"

"Good thanks Mols. How are you?"

"Getting there. Some days are better than others."

"It's really good to see you back."

"Thanks. It's good to be back."

"Mind if I join you running?"

"Feel free. I'm heading back to the hotel soon though."

They started jogging side by side.

"Mols, you and Seb..."

"Not talking about him Will. Drop the subject or fuck off."

"Ok, ok." They jogged on in silence. "Mols, are you busy Sunday night?"

"Yeah, got a hot date with my bed."

"Wanna come out with me and Luca?"


"Why not? We've had some good times."

"Yeah we did, but that's in the past. I'm different now."

"You don't have to be you know. The old Mollie is still in there."

"The old Mollie died in Abu Dhabi."

"Only if you let her. Mols, you came through our accident. You can come through this. Don't give up."

"It's not giving up. It's acceptance. I'm sorry Will, but you just don't understand."

"Ok, but remember, I'm here if you want to talk. About anything Mols. I mean that." Mollie stopped in her tracks. Will stopped too. She turned and looked at him.

"Thank you Will."

"I believe in you Mols. I know you're still you. However long you need, I'll be here. Luca will be here."

On the spur of the moment Mollie threw her arms around Will and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much Will. I really appreciate it."

Will held her tightly, his hand stroking her back. After all these years his feelings for her were still as strong. He'd never had the courage to tell her how he'd felt. It had always been so obvious that she was crazy about Seb.

Maybe now Seb was out of the picture he'd stand a chance. He wasn't going to rush things though. He was going to be there for her as a friend, then maybe in the future she'd see him as something more.

Mollie pulled away. "I've got to get back. Cassie will be wondering where I've got to. Good luck in quali tomorrow. I'll be rooting for you and Luca."

"Good luck to you too, although I'm sure you won't need it."

Mollie jogged up the steps to her hotel. She never noticed the blonde figure watching her from across the road.


Seb was just returning from a late evening at the circuit when he saw her. He stopped in his tracks and stared as she jogged up the street with Will Barnes. He watched as they stopped and chatted before Mollie threw her arms around him.

Seb seethed with jealousy as he saw Will hug her, stroking her back. That should be him holding her , not Barnes.

She was just as beautiful as he remembered. He longed to go over there and kiss her senseless. It had been far too long since he'd tasted her.

She turned and jogged up the steps to her hotel. Seb sighed. How the hell was he going to get through this? He couldn't get her out of his head.

"Seb?" He turned and saw the petite blonde girl gazing at him.

"Lily, hi. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks. You looked in a word of your own. Everything ok?"

Seb looked at her. She was a pretty girl. Maybe the way to forget Mollie was to move on with someone else.

"Yeah I'm fine Lily. Just tired. Lily, I know this is random but are you busy Sunday evening?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"I just wondered if you'd like to grab a drink with me?"

Lily smiled at him. "I'd love that." They exchanged numbers and Seb promised he'd call her the following evening to finalise arrangements.

After they parted, Seb headed back to his hotel. He sank onto his bed and started having second thoughts. Lily was lovely, but she wasn't Mollie. Was he doing the right thing? Well, Mollie obviously didn't want him. She'd looked very close to Will. Was something going on between them?

He should at least give Lily a chance. Maybe, just maybe with Lily he could move on and stop moping about for the woman he had loved and lost.

Playing With Fire (Sebastian Vettel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon