2. Flashback (2 )

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Mollie could hear voices around her.  She tried to open her eyes but everything hurt.   Finally, with a little extra effort she managed to open them slightly.  She was still sat in the car.  She could see several faces peering down at her.  She recognised the familiar face of Doctor Ian Roberts.

"Hi Mollie, welcome back.  How are you feeling?"

"Like I've been in a car crash funnily enough," she replied,  sarcastically. 

"Where does it hurt?  Can you move your limbs?"

Mollie carefully moved her left leg, followed by her right.  Then she moved her arms.

"All moving.  All hurt like mad, but fully functional.  I think I've bust some ribs though."

"How about your head?" the doctor asked, aware of Mollie's previous head injury. 

"Bit of an ache, nothing too major.   What the fuck happened?   I remember hitting Elena but that's it.   Is she ok?"

"Let's just concentrate on you.  Some of my colleagues are with Elena."

Mollie felt her heart begin to race.   She felt hot and sweaty.   "I can't breathe."  She began struggling for breath.  "Get me out of here.  I have to get out of here."

"Mollie, you need to calm down.  You're having a panic attack."

"Where's Seb?  I need Seb!"

"Mollie, we need to get you out and to the hospital.   You can see Seb there sweetheart."

Mollie tried to calm herself down but it was so difficult. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. She started seeing spots in front of her eyes. Then all of a sudden, everything went black again.


The doctor looked at Seb. He was silent for a moment.

"You are her boyfriend?" Seb nodded.

"Would you like to come this way?" Seb followed the doctor. Matthew sat down again. Seb deserved to see her first.

The doctor opened a door and held it open for Seb.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw Mollie propped up on the hospital bed. She started sobbing as she saw him.  He dashed to her side. 

"Thank God! Mols I was so worried," he cried, pulling her into his arms, quickly releasing her when she cried out in pain.  "Baby, I'm so sorry. Where does it hurt?"

"Ribs. Two broken ribs.  Severe bruising to my shoulders from my belts.  Broken wrist. Mild concussion."

"Jesus Mollie, I thought I'd lost you.  Your car....it was...there wasn't much left."

"Good job the season's over then," she said, wryly.

Seb picked up her hand and squeezed it. 

"So how are the others? No one's telling me anything."

"Sophia's broken her leg, but otherwise she's ok. I haven't heard anything about Annette, Emilia and Elena. I've been waiting here with Matthew Thorne."

Mollie sighed and closed her eyes. 

"I didn't realise so many were caught up in it.  I hope they're ok."

"I'm sure they'll be fine," he reassured her, although he was far from sure.  Mollie didn't need to worry about the others, he had to sound positive even if he was feeling anything but.

"Can I use your phone? I need to call my parents. They'll be frantic."

"Of course baby."  He handed his phone to her.

Playing With Fire (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now