It struck me that it had never been about money for her.  It was for other people.  She told me that money did not have any importance on her.  She spent it to help other people, her ex, who took advantage of her kindness.

I am not any different than her ex.  I am the worst.  I don’t only took advantage of her but also broke her heart.  She managed to say she loved me for many times but I just ignored it.

I am nothing but a jackass.

“How are you?  Kumusta si Georgina?”  my yiayia asked me as I visited her.

“She moved out,” I said casually.  “She left me—”

“What the hell did you do?” my yiayia asked me with an accusing tone.

“What did I do?”  I can’t believe my yiayia’s tone.  “What makes you think I did anything?”  Before I could respond, my father entered the study with a big smile on his face.

“Geia sas!  How is everyone?”  Nobody paid attention to him.  I looked at my grandmother and then my father who seemed to be so fine with his life.

“What is with the silence about?”  He looked at us with his eyebrows furrowed.  “Don’t tell me you are arguing again.  Good thing I am here to maintain the peace between the two of you.”  My father smiled at me.  “How is your wife?”

I was about to answer but yiayia interrupted.  “She left him.  “His wife left him…” my grandmother said more but I did not bother to listen to her.

“What did you say to her?”  I can’t believe my father has the same accusing voice like my yiayia’s.

“I ... Why does everyone assume I did something?” Is it obvious that I messed up my marriage?

“Because an cretin like you wouldn’t notice that the girl—woman was head over heels in love with you,” Miss Angela said as she entered the study.

“Wait a minute,” I said with my eyebrows curled at Miss Angela.  “I don’t have to notice it, I knew that she loved me, it was just—”

“What an idiot.  You knew she loved you, but you didn’t do anything?”

“Because it was not real,” I finally said to them.  “It was you…you know why I married her.”  Did everyone in the room knew she loved me?  I stood and paced the room.  I glared at my grandmother.  “You are the one who pushed me into this.”

My grandmother sipped her wine and raised a brow at me.  “Ha.  Don’t pin the blame at me.  You married Georgina because you wanted to.  I paraded a lot of candidates for you, but you were the one who picked and married her without my consent.”

“I did not want to marry anyone,” I corrected her.  “I got married because of that blasted stipulation in your will.  I will have the full control of the shipping line and the Agapi Nisis, remember?”

A Wife for a WhileWhere stories live. Discover now