Puppet Master. Kankuro-san had taken in this one from what Lady Tsuande told me. Quiet talented as well.

Izami thought, and then continued.

"Alright, Airi-chan, you're opponent will be..." Izami scanned the rooster for a appropriate, fitting Genin for this one to find." Haruto Daisuchi from the Stone. Haruto-kun, step forward."

Haruto was a boy of thirteen with curly, black as night, hair, and dark colored eyes that had very pronounced eyelashes. He wore a dark blue shirt, black, baggy shorts, and red shoes. His red ninja forehead protector was in its proper place. He specialized in tricks of the mind. Not genjutsu, but rather something very similar to what the Yamanka clan used, only different in certain areas. Izami was excited to see how this would play out.

As soon as both Genin faced each other, Izami disappeared into her spot to watch the match from a safe distance.


It's best not to start off with my Mind Techinuque. I need to analyze her movements. Get to her weakness first. Obviously from the scrolls on her back, she's a Puppet Master. She's also from the Sand. Meaning she must have been trained by the Kazekage's brother, Kankuro. One of the best Masters out there now. Means she's also a long range fighter. Weakness is diffidently a close range battle. I can't disable her hands because then the battle would be boring. Ok, I have to make a move soon.

Haruto began weaving signs for a clone. Airi prepared herself by releasing her four puppets. She connected a string to each with one hand, and the other hand she used to prepare for whatever the other had to throw at her.

He was watching me like some kind of freakin' hawk. I have to end this quick, and fast, and not disappoint Kankuro- sensei. I told him I wouldn't make him regret the decision to train me. Here he comes. C'mon, Red Bird, don't let me down.

Airi moved her first puppet in front of her to block the attack that Haruto's clone attempted to make at her. She then surrounded herself with each puppet.

Ok. She's better than I thought.

Haruto frowned slightly, trying to decide what to do next. However, Airi moved before he had a chance to react.

"I'm not letting you get the best of me!" She yelled out as she retracted three of her puppets. The fourth, she moved the finger she was controlling it with, and out popped a few blades." This is a special puppet I came up with on my own. Don't be so scared, I won't hurt you...Too bad anyways." With that said, the blades shot out towards Haruto. His grey eyes widened, and he quickly bounded away from the weapons.

"Shit!" He yelled out as he scrapped his knee. Airi glared, and moved her second puppet towards him.

"C'mon, work for me Blue Musket." She whispered as the puppets hands moved out to capture the boy.

"Think again Puppet Freak!" Haruto yelled out, kicking his legs out, and breaking the arms that threatened to capture him. Airi growled, feelings hurt over having her work broken.

"Damn you! You're going to pay for that!"

Dammit...I have to end this fast! I don't have time to play these stupid games! Ok, just break her puppets or just use my jutsu, and get this over with...I'll use THAT technique. Yeah. That'll end it fast!

Haruto began weaving signs, staring at Airi, who looked at him in suspicion.

What is he planning? Better be on my guard.

"Secert Jutsu: Third Eye Techique!" Airi gasped as her body was seized up. Her body began to numb up as Haruto's body laxed in the arena.


"They haven't moved in five minutes. Shit." Izami sighed, and ran her fingers through her hair." Do I have to stop this fight? Damn, I should not have let him use that technique, but it's not supposed to be dangerous. So, what course do I take now?" However, as soon as the words left Izami's mouth, Haruto seemed to wake up from whatever trance he was in, and then began to prepare for another fight.

"Now that I know all your secrets, I'm going to end this here and now!" Airi gasped slightly, and moved her puppets in a seemingly protective manner around her, each then spread out and weapons displayed. Haruto's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and then he shot out his jutsu.

"Fire style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" With that, Airi dropped her puppets, each falling to the floor, breaking another puppet, and jumped to miss the flames." I anticipated you'd do that!" He yelled out, reaching into his pocket, and throwing kunai at her. Airi quickly reached out to her only working puppet, and quickly blocked the attack. Izami felt herself being impressed, and sat back to watch the match continue on...


By the time the match ended, Haruto was the clear winner. Airi was more concerned about her puppets than herself, but she had no serious injuries. She was deemed fine. Izami then announced the next pair to advance.

"Alright will Sasuke Uchiha of the Hidden Leaf and Hotaku Daisuchi of the Stone, please step forward." Although she acted cool as she needed to act, inside she was nervous. She glanced at the young boy that stepped forward. He couldn't have been more than twelve years old, and then she glanced at Sasuke.

Hotaku Daisuchi. Younger brother of Haruto. They were in the same team together. Hotaku is training to become a medic ninja. He doesn't look like much. I can only hope he does well against Sasuke. And I hope Sasuke doesn't do anything too extreme against the kid. I'll just have to trust him.

"Alright! Begin!"

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