2.) And So We Meet Again

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A/N: Hello again, everyone! I apologize for the update being later than usual today; my best friend and I went to see The Movie! If you've seen it, lmk how you liked it :)

Now, here's the next part to our story...

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Two Days Post Departure, 10:19 PM

"Good work, L/N," your manager, Matteo, greets you as you enter the upper deck's main command center, having just finished making some small repairs on the lower level. He radioed for you a short while ago, and now you're reporting here to see what he needs.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" You rub your hands together to warm them, still chilly from the frigid night air.

"I do. I need you to finish cleaning the front part of the deck; some guests complained that it wasn't properly cleared of confetti and other debris after the departing ceremony."

"Of course, sir," you nod singularly. "Is that all?"

"It is. Thank you for working so hard," he says as a genuine smile shows on his face. He rests a warm hand on your shoulder, and you smile at the gesture. He's always been your favorite higher-up; he takes care of you and has your back, and you're beyond thankful for that. Having a familiar face in the crew every time you sail is wonderful, too, and you're glad it's him.

You'd have trouble going out in the middle of the night to do such a trivial task for anyone else.

He wordlessly takes one of the staff overcoats from the rack and wraps it around your shoulders, wanting to make sure you don't freeze out there.

You thank him, and a proud look shines in his eyes as he says: "No problem, kid." He dismisses you soon after, and you set out to get your job done.


Sometimes Jennie doesn't resent her wealth all that much.

As she slowly opens the door to the suite she shares with her mother, dressed in a wool sweater and lounge pants, she's relieved by the lack of a squeak in its hinges. It glides smoothly, and soon enough she's out in the middle of the hallway.

Had they been staying in a lower class room, her mother would've heard her instantly, and this little runaway situation would've lasted all of two seconds.

She presses her ear to the door and waits a bit to make sure her mother doesn't begin stirring, and once she's convinced that the coast is clear, she leaves.

A childlike giddiness bubbles up within her as she winds through the long hallways, doing her best to look as inconspicuous as possible. She hasn't gone stargazing in a long time, and she knew she couldn't miss out on the opportunity now. Out here, away from the city, the sky is even clearer than usual; it's free of the smog and clutter that her home metropolis features, and she can't wait to see the universe's beauty in all of its glory again.

She passes a few stray workers on her way out, but thankfully none of them pay her enough mind to stop her.

The night air bites at her cheeks as soon as she opens section C's main exit door, and she pulls her sweater up to cover some of her face in response to the cold.

She hadn't expected the temperature to drop this low already, but she knows she can't afford to sneak back into her room for more clothes. She'll be lucky if she can stay out for half an hour and make it back without incident.

Her mother seems to have a sort of sixth sense, after all.

Nevertheless, Jennie is determined. She retracts her small hands into the sleeves of her sweater as she approaches the bow of the boat, methodically squeezing and releasing her fingers to generate some heat.

✅ SS Artemis ♤ Jennie x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now