Chapter 2 - The other Jade

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious and its associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Double Trouble

Chapter 2 – The other Jade.

Author's note: To help keep track of things. The universe where Tori and Jade are a couple, will be referred to as Universe 1. The universe where they are not a couple will be referred to as universe 2. So to catch up, the Jade from universe 1 found herself in universe 2. This chapter will follow the Jade from universe 2 who is now in universe 1. It will pick up at the moment where Robbie turned his invention demonstrate it.

"Ready to see a something really special." Robbie said with pride, as the machine hummed louder and louder.

After a few moments of nothing, a strange greyish light began to form in the doorway. But the light lasted for only a second, then the lights dimmed and a shower of sparks suddenly shot out from the doorway. A second later, the machine seemed to go dead.

But at that very same time, Jade jumped away from machine that she was leaning against with a shout.

"Owwww" Jade suddenly screeched. "Robbie your stupid deathtrap just gave me a shock."

"I'm Sorry. I don't know what happened."

Jade fumed and stormed over to Robbie who was sitting at a computer. "Sorry, you are sorry. A sorry excuse for a human being. I should have known this would be a waste of time, because you are a waste of time. Stupid fucking doll boy, like you could invent anything. Oooh...look at me I'm 18 and I play with Dolls. YOU'RE PATHETIC."

Then Jade pushed him and his chair over and stormed out of the room before the extremely shocked, Beck, Cat and Andre could react.

After a moment of shocked silence, Cat ran over and helped a very shaken Robbie, off the floor.

"What was that?" Said Andre.

"Do I look like a doll to you? She's cracked. I'm all man. Just ask those Northridge girls I was with last week." Protested Rex.

Beck expected Jade to get mad after being shocked, but her verbally destroying Robbie was much beyond anything he imagined. "I don't know."

Andre took a step towards the door. "Should we go after her?"

Shaking his head, Beck said. "I don't think so. Let's see if she cools down. Are you ok Robbie?"

Robbie just looked to the floor looking like a child who just had his favorite toy smashed. "Fine"

Jade meanwhile, pissed off beyond description, walked out of the basement. Like her counterpart she briefly sensed something was off, but disregarded it.

"Fucking Doll boy." Jade muttered, as she tripped a freshman boy walking past her.

Ignoring the protesting boy on the floor, Jade chuckled and kept walking to her next class.

Arriving, Jade sat in back and again she got a feeling that something was off. At least one person she saw appeared to have different clothing than earlier. Again, Jade ignored that nagging voice in her head.

Fortunately, the class she was in was at the exact same spot in its lesson plan as the one in her universe so all at least seemed as it should.

Jade made through class, no less in a bad mood than when she entered it. As it ended, she overheard two girls talking.

"I think I'll try out for the lead in Sikowitz's latest play." Said the first.

"I think you've got a good shot."

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