Chapter 1 - Not quite right

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Disclaimer: The show Victorious, its characters and other associated copyrights are property of someone else and not me.

Double Trouble

Chapter 1 – Not quite right.

Author's note. Here's another Jori story with a sci-fi twist. I'll freely admit it's not an original idea, but it's all in good fun. I hope you enjoy.

It was a normal Thursday at the asphalt café. As always, the gang sat around the table chatting and eating their lunch. It was average day with one exception. Robbie was absent.

In fact, he'd been absent at lunch nearly every day for a month, plus was rarely seen afterschool or on the weekends. He would be in class, but that was the only place they would see him. When asked about this, Robbie simply said it was a surprise and they would find out soon. Though Rex almost spilled the beans and was quieted by Robbie.

They gang had gotten used to his absence, though in later days, Cat seemed to get sad as he was no longer trying to win her heart.

Today, the conversation came to Robbie and his mysterious project, as it did from time to time.

"So, does anyone have any idea yet, what Robbie is up too?" Asked Andre, between bites of his burrito.

Everyone shook their heads except Jade, who just kept eating and ignored the question.

"Come on...Someone's got to know?"

Beck shrugged. "Sorry, haven't found out. Then again, I haven't really been trying. Robbie will tell us when he's ready."

Jade looked up with a smirk. "Maybe he's been making a human jigsaw puzzle. You know there was that girl from East High that vanished a month ago. You know, it's always the quiet ones...."

Tori, who was sitting next to Jade frowned and slapped Jade on the wrist. "Stop that Jade. Be nice. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."

Jade rolled her eyes at her girlfriend of more than a year and then in a mocking voice said. "Oh yes, my eternal love. I will always be good and say nice things about people. I have a girlfriend so I have to be nice to people now."

Tori's frown grew much more prominent as she whispered in Jade's ear. "Mocking me or our love, will not get you any cuddles. Don't make me cut you off."

Jade grumbled, lowered her head and in a low voice muttered. "I'm sorry baby."

Andre chucked. "She's totally whipped."

Beck and Cat, quickly snickered as well.

Jade immediately shot up and appeared as if she was about to lunge across the table at Andre. "AM NOT! TAKE THAT BACK NOW!"

Before anything else could happen, an excited Robbie came running up to the table. "I did it, I did it."

Jade perked up as was about to toss an insult at Robbie when she was cut off by the placement of Tori's hand over her mouth.

"What is it Robbie, you seem really excited." Beck said.

"Yeah, out with it." Andre chimed in.

Rex quickly added his two cents. "They won't be impressed, Then again no one that's cool, will. They probably won't even know what it does."

Robbie quickly scolded Rex. "Yes they will. I'll get a Nobel Prize for this."

"You have a better chance of getting to first base with Jade."

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