I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I know, you're right, I just can't believe this is happening, I can't believe this has happened. I went from having everything, to feeling like I have nothing, I mean I went from having a full family to having it be broken. While this is awful, I understand Chibs and I weren't that close at the end, but I still loved him, he was my husband. Now all I can seem to think about is what I'm going to tell Vi? How am I going to tell her that she has to grow up without her dad to walk her down the aisle? How is this all going to affect Fin? He'll be growing up without his dad, without his father figure."

"Dina we'll get through this, Fin will have plenty of male role models in his life, and Starr has you."

I sighed, shaking my head.

"Vi has a bit of his accent, what if she loses that? What if Fin never has a chance to get it?"

"Starr will teach him, she's not going to lose it, it's apart of her, she's been talking with an accent since she said her first word."

"I don't know what I'm going to do Tig, I'm so scared, how am I going to do this? How am I going to be a single mom? How are my kids going to live seeing me so broken, so hurt? I feel like I'm drowning, like I'm being suffocated, like I might die."

He came to me taking my face in his hands making me look into his icy blue eyes with my tear filled green eyes.

"You'll get through this, I'll help you, even if it means that I have to move in then so be it, I'll help you and the kids through this. I'm here for you, no matter what happens, no matter what it takes I'll always be here for you, I got you Dina."

I nodded my head wrapping my arms around his neck as he hugged me close, when we pulled away I wiped my face before looking at him.

"Did the doctor say when we could take him home?"

"Yeah, we can take him home first thing in the morning."

"Alright, I'll call Kerri, have her start the preparations that way when we get back at least things are started. I'll be able to talk to the kids and help her finish out anything that's left, I just hope Vi understands."

He nodded his head looking behind us, I turned to see the club standing there, Cati came over giving me a hug. Paddy then stepped up with a small sad smile giving me a small side hug, placing a kiss on the top of my head before pulling away.

"My Ma and I are comin down fur the funeral, and I wan' te transfer te the originals in Charmin, I wan' te help ye with my great niece and nephew."

I smiled with tears coming to my eyes once again.

"Your English is coming along, and thank you, it'll be good for them to have you around someone who really knew their dad. Maybe my little girl won't lose her accent, and maybe my little boy will grow up with one, I was afraid they'd lose that part of him."

He nodded his head and I sighed looking at the hospital.

"I can't stay here anymore..."

I looked at Jax and he nodded his head as I continued.

"Will you finish taking care of things here for me?"

Jax nodded his head.

"Yeah we got it covered, go get some rest."

I nodded my head going to my bike, starting the engine while putting my helmet on, I pulled out of the lot going to Catis'. When I got there I went upstairs changing into my long sleeved striped shirt, with matching shorts. I decided to just leave my hair alone, but as I was slipping into my white and brown flip flops there was a knock at the door.  

I sighed, telling them to give me a minute, when I was done I went to the door opening it to see Tig standing there leaning against the door frame

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I sighed, telling them to give me a minute, when I was done I went to the door opening it to see Tig standing there leaning against the door frame.

"What's going on Tig?"

"Did you need anything? I'm about to head upstairs and take a shower I just wanted to make sure you didn't need anything."

"If I'm being honest I don't know, I mean I haven't slept alone in awhile, I mean I should be used to it by now, it's been almost three months..."

I shook my head before continuing.

"I don't know maybe I'm just being stupid, I'm going to go make some tea try to relax a bit."

He nodded his head.

"If you need anything just let me know."

I nodded my head however as he started looking around I shook my head.

"Tig, you move in after the funeral."

He gave me a small smile before nodding his head, continuing to walk upstairs while I went down to the kitchen making some Scottish brand tea. I sat at the island hearing someone coming down the stairs, I turned a bit seeing Cati and Tig standing there. Tig came over sitting next to me while Cati went around the counter grabbing two mugs making herself and Tig a cup. We sat there in silence letting the memories flood our minds until we tired ourselves out, we finally went up stairs going our separate ways. I went to the bed laying down, however I didn't sleep, I just laid there crying knowing that after all of this my bed will be empty for a long time.

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