Self Defense

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"No my mom, she is.." You didn't let him finish as you thought his mom passed away. "Omg, Jungkook. I'm sorry for your loss." You sympathized.

"Oh don't, I actually like it." He smiled bit. You stared at him surprised that he was happy that his mom died.

Was he really a nice person. "Why're you staring at me like that?" He questioned. "Y-you actually like it that your mom passed away." You hesitated to speak.

"Oh?! No?! My mom woke up from coma. She's alive." He raised his arms up in defeat.

"You dummy!" You sighed in releif. "You were dressed up in all black so I thought your mom died." You explained yourself.

"My mom requested that we visit her in all black. She's a bit...unique." He stated. "Why did you look distressed about her waking up?" You asked.

"No, not at all. Everything is fine." He touched his ears. You knew he was lying through his tounge.

A liar.

"Thanks for asking, but how are you?" He asked changing the topic quickly. "Oh. Nope. You know my psychopath dad is the reason why I'm into soo much horror movies." You chuckled awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, you watch romance movies and are like 'I wish that happened to me' and I watch horror movies and I'm like that." You moved your arms here and there in order to explain.

You pushed your hair back as you spoke. "Watchung horror movies comfort me I suppose as I think that there are people who have it worse. They make me feel home unlike romance movies they make me sick in jealousy." You finally spoke.

Jungkook was just looking at you attentively like a child getting to know something great.

"You know a lot to how to deal with an abusive parent. I'm always here. You can tell me whenever you feel comfortable." You stated and kept a hand on his.

"I'll be the horror movie you can relate to." You smiled and Jungkook had a slight blush on his crystal clear plump cheeks.

"Thanks, it's not that I don't want to share it's just that the mood is already so intense. Let's talk about something fun." He spoke. "Like your date with Tae." He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Hah, about that.." You didn't meet his eyes and looked around nervously. "You didn't ask him?" He questioned.

"What made you think that?" You asked. "Well, if he accepted it you will happy, if he rejected you'd be sad but you're just neutral. I can be wrong though." He explained you how he came to the conclusion. Damn, this boy got nice observations.

You just looked at him. "Sorry. That was weird. People don't like it when I do that." He looked away. "No, it was actually very cool. I liked it." You smiled genuinely. Jungkook's heart skipped at that beautiful smile of yours.

Jungkook smiled at you and made you feel flustered. You wanted to adopt him as a kid. He was so cute.


Jungkook was taking a bath. Massaging the shampoo through his hair, thinking about yesterday and how you didn't hate him for anything he did.

"So, she hasn't ask Taehyung out yet?" Jungkook smirked as he wiped his hair and wore his trousers.

He was about to wear his shirt but decided to drop the idea and walk out to you who was in the living room.

"Good morning." He smiled. "Hey, what're you upto?" Jungkook asked. "Oh, I was watching self defense videos." You stated. You took a look at him and wanted to scream at how hot he looked but didn't want to show it.

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