Meanwhile in the hotel, the organist was in great frear. Where was Andrea?

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Meanwhile in the hotel, the organist was sleeping soundly. She was off in her own little dreamland. Little did she know that Andrea was missing. She slept soundly for the next 6 hours. Later, she woke up in great fear. She had never imagined that she would wake up to find Andrea missing. Where could she have gone? Is she safe? These questions and more were going through the organist's head. Her fear to was so intense that she was in tears. Later, she jumped out of bed. She was desperate to find Andrea. She couldn't let anything happen to her.

"This is just terrible!" The organist said, I miss Andrea so much. I thought that she cared about me. She is always here for me and now she's gone. What could have happened to her? Was she taken away in the night? I am imagining all of the things that could have happened. I need to stay positive and try to find help so I can find her but it's hard just knowing that something truly terrible could have happened to her. I have to leave the hotel and go on this journey before all. Is lost forever and ever."

The organist set out on her journey to find Andrea the search went on for several hours. The lingo took her all over the city but Andrea was nowhere to be found. She looked everywhere but she didn't know that she had missed a few hidden places that Andrea could be in. Soon, the Lino came to a sudden stop. An old man was sitting on a log in the cold. The organist had to save him. She got out of the car wrapping a huge cloak around her. The cloak dragged on the ground as the organist helped the old man into he limo.

"I am so galas that you saved me." The old man said, it was so ocld. I hav beeen out here for 3 days. If it weren't for you, I could have died. Thank you for your kindness. I will do anything to repay you. It means a lot to me knowing that someone could save from the cold and I am going to do what I can to make you happy. Your happiness means a lot to me. I will always be here if you need a friend to talk to in tough times. I don't have any friends so I thought that I would be here for you."

"I am glad that I found you." The organist said, I need your help. I have lost my best friend Andrea. Now I have to find her. For if I don't find her, all will be lost. She could be in great danger. I am imagining all the horrible things that she could be going through. I'm worried that she could be dying. I'm trying to think positive but it's so hard. Knowing that she could be hurt is heartbreaking and it's hard to think positive in times of heartbreak."

"Have no fear." The old man said, My name is Bob and I will help you. After that, I will have to return home. My wife Lexi must be so worried about me. She has been searching for me for three days. I live in a penthouse apartment and I need to go home to see her. When I get home after our adventure, I am going to take Lexi into my arms and I'm never letting her go. I'm sure she's at home crying and I'm sure her friends are there to comfort her. I don't like to see her so sad."

The organist was touched by this Bob's words. She had never imagined that she would encounter someone who was so kindhearted. Not only was Bob kind to his wife but he was kind enough to help her in a way that she would never have imagined possible. She put the cloak around Bob to warm him up and the journey began once more. It was such a long journey but the organist did her best to remain positive. She knew hat she couldn't think negative. It would make the search seem longer and longer. 

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