At the hospital

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Andrea was rushed to the hospital after the big accident. The organist was in fear. For she was worried that she would never see Andrea again. As she cried, the little white cat curled up on her lap. Her heart had shattered. She found out that the hospital had no visiting hours. This was the worst  thing that she could ever imagine. She hoped that Andrea would come home soon. It just seems as if all is lost. She went to her room to compose some music to take her mind off of what had happened to her friend Andrea. 

She shed a few tears as she started to come up with ideas for eh music she was going to compose. As she tested out the music on the organ,  people came into the apartment to listen. It was so exciting knowing that people liked her music. Soon, she would be selling it around the world. The only thing that was going to stop her was knowing that Andrea had been hurt in a horseback riding accident. The organ just didnt sound the same without Andrea. People continued to come in and listen to the organ and some of the people even paid the organist for all of her good work. This was very excitng.

The people hadn't ever imagined that the organist would ever play for them. They knew that she was going through tough times and they wanted to be there for her. She finished playing the music and the people were so happy. They were glad that she was able to push through the the sadness and they wanted to do what they could to help her. The little white cat curled up on the bunch and the organist reached down to pet her. She could feel the tears started to well up again and the people had to comfort her. They all gathered around her and hugged her. For she had gone through so tragidy that it was going to be hard for her to get over it. 

The Christmas love story and the perfect and most magical weddingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum