Lost in the mall

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Entering the mall was so hecktic. The organist was overwhelmed. She had never imagined that she would be around so many  people they all wanted her signature on paper. She was famous and not just to the people in the concert hall but the people out int he public also wanted to have her signature. The organist gave out many signatures and then it was time to shop. The organist went into a candy store and collected everything in the chocolate section. She was going to share with Andrea after they got home. Now it was time to move on.

The shopping went on and all was well. The organist bought a lot of stuff. Little did she know that Andrea was missing. The organist loaded everything into the limo and then continued shopping. At the end of the shopping  trip it was time to go home. The organist was ready but she had no idea that Andrea  was still missing. The limo drove off not knowing that Andrea wasn't there. Then it stopped suddenly. That's when the organist found out that Andrea was gone! The organist ran quickly back to the mall in fear. What had happened to Andrea? Is she hurt?

The organist made it back to the mall only to discover that Andrea was in the free books section of the mall. She was so happy to see her. She ran to her with open arms. She held Andrea in her arms and cried. Her heart felt as if it had shattered. Just before leaving, Andrea and the organist went to the free samples section of a chocolate place. They took some chocolate and it was time to go home. All was well again and now andra and the organist could go home and relax before their big wedding planning day tomorrow. 

When they got home, the little white cat came up to them. She jumped into Andreas arms. She was so happy. The organist put her arms around  Andrea. Her fear was still intense but she was mostly very happy. She was glad that Andrea was safe again  and she hoped that this would never happen again. It meant a lot to her knowing that nothin g bed had happened and now that all was well, it was time to eat dinner and relax. It was later than Andrea had thought. Thankful a butler had prepared dinner for them. 

"I am so glad that you're home." The organist said, I don't know what I would do if you weren't here. I thought that ai had lost you. If that would have happened, all would have been lost. It was so worried that we wouldn't be able to make wonderful memories together. It means  a lot to me knowing that I have a friend who is always here for me. I promise  to be here for you and I want us to make as many memories together as possible. Nothing means more to me than knowing that we can always be friends."

Soon, Andrea got an invitation to George's thankgivign gathering. She was so excited. The organist hoped that she would be to go with her to this. Andrea and George wer fine with it and then the weekend after that, George and Andrea would be spending time with each other. Andrea and the organist would be together again Monday morning. The organist was happy that Andrea had found love and she was happy that she would be with her most of the week except on weekends. Everything was going  as planned. The organist would help Andrea get ready for the special gathering and an read would make sure that thee organist was ready as well. This was going to be so fun. 

The Christmas love story and the perfect and most magical weddingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat