A story about the sun

Start from the beginning

He had to paint.


-Where were you? Asked your mother at the table with your sister.

-I had to go out. I needed some air. I needed to find something.

-Where at this hour? Asked your sister.

-In the sun... you mumbled.

Your mother laughed.

-In the sun? Did you find it? she said.

-I am not so sure about that... you responded honestly.

-I'll tell you one thing. Find another method. The sun won't give you a job you know that right?

Yes, yes, yes...

-Right? She insisted.

-Yeah... Are you ready to go? you asked your sister.

-Don't you want to eat?

-Not hungry...

-I am ready, said your little sister.

-Have a good day girls!

You nodded and went out.


The end of the day was approaching and before you could say goodbye to your friends, a crowd of people had gathered around the entrance gate.

-Is there a star? asked Connie.

-How should I know? you replied.

But you knew what was going on as soon as you saw his head, easily overtaking the people around him, especially the girls, you thought to yourself.

You looked down and clutched your bag. At the same time, you wanted to say that he had come for you in front of everyone, at the same time you wanted to run away so that he wouldn't see you. The second solution was soon impossible when you saw him waving at you.

-Am I dreaming or did he just wave at us? asked Connie.

Sasha turned to you and whispered

-Is that your sugar daddy?

Connie giggled and so did you.

-He's the same age you idiot.

-Do you know what a sugar daddy is, Sasha? Connie began, still laughing.

-I'll let you explain it to her, we'll see you this weekend? you end up saying.

They nodded and Connie began to make many gestures in all directions to explain the role that Sasha had assigned to Bertholdt. The latter greeted some girls around him, while blushing and laughing shyly before advancing towards you.

-Are you free right now? He asked you.

-I am. Oh, and I have...searching for the picture in your bag. That.

You handed him and saw a purely happy smile on his face. He was incredibly beautiful, which made you blush at the realization.

-That's great... thanks, he said, putting the picture next to his heart.

You didn't ask anything.

-Should we go then? Can I take your bag? He asked.

-It's... not that heavy.

We don't belong to the same world [Bertholdt Hoover x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now