"Dont worry, I'll keep you safe, besides we should be fine if we stay in our animal forms" Theodore told her and Kirra let out a soft sigh before nodding her head, a small smile tuggin on her lips

"You'll keep me safe? Have you seen what badgers can do to snakes?" The Hufflepuff asked the Slytherin playfully, "Badgers are badass and nobody can tell me otherwise, besides, I've been running around these woods for many years now, I know the ins and outs of it"

"Were you an animagus in your past lives?" Theodore asked her, interested in the topic

"Not in my first life, but I was in my second life" she said with a grin, "I was a badger than two... I've been a Hufflepuff in all of my lives, and in my first live I was the descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, so I guess that could have something to do with it"

Theodore looked surprise, "wait you're an heir to Hufflepuff?" he asked her in surprise, his eyes wide

"technically not anymore" she replied thoughtfully

"All the same.. that's wicked" he told her with a grin, "so you ready for that run in the woods now?"

"I was born ready, lets go" she said with a grin, they looked around to make sure that nobody could see them and then in the next second, there wasn't two students standing near the entrance o the school, instead there was a honey badger and a red fox

The two animals ran out of the castle and onto the grounds, making their way towards the forbidden forest. They ran around, playing tag and seeing who can jump the furthest and who could climb the highest, they found the tallest trees that they could and would get a run up, running up as high as they could while the other one watched and then laughed when they came tumbling down the tree. until they heard a growl and they stopped.

Theodore and Kirra turned around slowly and were suddenly face to face with a large black dog that had its teeth bared in their direction, though its gaze was on the fox. The fox moved in front of the badger protectively, hissing up at the dog, warning the dog to back off.

The badgers eyes lit up when she saw the dog, she didn't expect to run into him tonight because she thought he would have gone into hiding while Remus was out incase the werewolf somehow recognised him.

"Its alright Theo" the girl said and softly nudged the fox in the leg with her snout as she came out from behind him, the fox and the dog kept their eyes locked on the badger, watching her every move.

Kirra gave a comforting and reassuring look to the fox and then walked towards the dog, which began to wag its tail, it had stopped growling as the small badger began weaving between its legs and then sitting down next to him a smile on her face which was a cute sight, her tiny tail wagged in happiness

"Theo... meet Sirius.... Sirius, meet Theo" She looked excited as she turned her head a few times to look between the two male animals.

She then turned back into her human form and so did the two boys who began to stare each other down unsurely, Sirius saw the Slytherin scarf wrapped around the boys neck and glared at him, instantly not liking the boy.

Theo had a look of disgust on his face as he looked at the state that Sirius was in, the mans hair was long and knotted and his clothes were torn and stained, his teeth were yellow and the dark bags under his eyes were unbelievable. But that wasn't the only thing that Theodore had against the man, he knew that he was a Gryffindor and he also had a hatred for the man, probably because he was known to be a mass murderer

The two of them glared each other down, they were in defensive stances while Kirra stood next to Sirius. It began to get awkward as nobody said anything so Kirra cleared her throat, "right- that was great-" she stood in between the two of them with a hopeful smile on her face, "its good to see the two of you getting along" she said sarcastically 

"He's a Slytherin... why am I not surprised?" Sirius said with a tone of distaste as he looked the 13 year old boy up and down in disgust

"He broke out of Azkaban and looks like he just climbed out of a sewer," Theodore fired back, glaring at the man who was in his mid 30s, Theodore had a disgusted look on his face and he wanted nothing more than to grab the Hufflepuff and get her away from the man.

"Look you guys are my best friends, and both of you mean everything to me, so it would mean a lot to me if you at least tried to get along or at least talk to each other I guess" The Hufflepuff begged them, a pleading look on her face as she looked between them both, praying that nothing bad would happen

"Is he your boyfriend?" Sirius asked her blatantly which caused the girls jaw to drop

"No, he is my best friend" Kirra said

Theodore still had a look of disgust on his face but he decided to talk to the man, just to make the girl happy, "Im Theodore Nott, its uh... a pleasure to meet you" He looked like he was pained to say the last bit, but Kirra still smiled gratefully at him, happy that at least one of them was talking to the other without spiting out hatefu words

"Nott?" Sirius asked and a scoff fell from his lips, "Youre friends with a Nott? You do realise that everyone of them is a death eater? He is going to get you killed!"

"And you're a Black last time I checked, so I don't see how that's any better" Theodore growled at the man, he wasn't going to let an old man talk down to him like that, especially about his mother who was not a death eater.

"Because I'm a Gryffindor, you're a Snake" Sirius spat out

Theodore rolled his eyes, "oh how original, look out Princess, he is a Gryffindor so he is better than everyone else and I'm a Slytherin so I've secretly been planning a way to kill you for the past two and a half years"

Sirius stepped towards the boy, "It wouldn't surprise me" Sirius spat at him

"Guys guys come on, stop it please!" She begged the two of them, they took one look at her and instantly stopped, both of them feeling guilty for upsetting the girl, "Theo, maybe we should head back to the castle, its getting late" she said with a sigh

She turned to the older man and gave Sirius a quick hug, "I'll see you soon" she whispered to the man and then turned back to Theodore and she grabbed his wrist and the two of them began to walk through the forest back towards the castle, Theodore glared at the man one last time before he walked with the girl

"I cant believe you were friends with someone like that" Theodore groaned in annoyance as they pushed through the trees, relying on the light from the moon to show them a clear path through the woods.

"Stop it" she said firmly which seemed to surprise the boy, she had never talked to him that way and he had never heard her speak to anybody that way, "He has been through hell and back. His best friend and his brother died when he was 20, then two years later another one of his best friends betrayed them all so another two of his best friends died and then he got framed for that... his last friend thought he was guilty and he still does might I add, and he was sitting in Azkaban for 12 years rotting away for something that he didn't do"

Theodore let out a guilty sigh, he couldn't imagine going through all that, and he couldn't help but feel bad for the man, "I'm sorry" Theodore told her sincerely

Kirra let out a soft sigh, "I know... but the next time you see him, you can tell him that" she said and the boy hesitantly nodded. They made it to the edge of the woods, the castle was in sight and there was only one way to get in there without getting caught by the teachers.

Kirra quickly turned into her badger form, Theodore let out one last sigh before he turned into his fox form and the two animals walked back to the castle in silence, leaving Sirus Black all alone once again.

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