Admit it to yourself

Start from the beginning

"Flynn have her home by 11." Bryce jokes. "Shut up" I roll my eyes at him causing him to laugh. "No curfew it is." Josh smirks winking at me. "Rules were meant to be broken Nova." Josh tells Bryce grabbing my hand.

He leads me out of the house before Bryce can say anything else. "So where are we going?" I ask him after we get into the car and he pulls out of the driveway.

"There's a cute little diner that opened up recently. It's actually decorated the way you like. Classic cars as tables, that whole vintage theme, and the waiter's and waitresses wear roller skates with their uniforms." He tell me.

I smile excitedly looking over at him. "How do you know I'm into that kind of stuff?" I ask softly. He glances over at me as he stops at a light. "I'm an observer, I pay attention even when you think I'm not. Besides I've known you a while now. I already told you I know more about you than you think." He winks.

I chuckle softly leaning back into the seat. Josh places his hand on my thigh the rest of the drive. When we arrive I look at the place smiling again.

He parks the car in front of the diner and looks over at me. "You have a cute smile." He says. I look down when I feel myself blush letting my hair cover my cheeks.

"Come on Shortie." He chuckles getting out of the car. I get out after he opens the door, he grabs my hand  leading me into the diner.

"Hello table for two?" The waitress  asks as soon as we walk in. "Yes. Can we get one of those tables please?" Josh asks pointing to the classic car shaped tables.

The waitress leads us over to one of the booths placing the menus down in front of us after we sit down. "Can I get you guys started on drinks or appetizers?" She asks.

"I'll take a coke and she'll take a old fashion vanilla milkshake." He says looking at the menu. "We'll also have the mozzarella sticks and onion rings appetizer please." Josh orders.

"You got it. I'll get that started for you and I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order." She says writing down what Josh ordered. I look down at the menu when she leaves.

After deciding on what I want I set my menu down. "What?" I smile at Josh when I see him staring at me. "Nothing." He shakes his head. "So how do you like the place?" He asks me.

I look around smiling even more. "I love it. You don't see these types of diners around anymore." I look back at him. Josh smiles nodding. "I thought you would enjoy it."

The waitress walks over to our table with our appetizers and drinks. "Do you know what you want to eat?" She asks. Josh motions for me to order first. "I'll have the Bacon Burger with seasoned fries. Can I get extra seasoning on the fries please?" I order. "I'll have the same." Josh says quickly after I order.

"Sure thing I'll bring your food out soon." She says then walks away. "Don't worry I didn't forget. I know you don't like them." Josh says grabbing the cherry off my milkshake.

I chuckle softly when he eats the cherry. "They have a good variety of burgers don't they?" I say looking at Josh.

He leans back against his seat looking at me as he grabs an onion ring. "To be honest I was too busy looking at you and I forgot to look at it." He says smirking.

I laugh softly shaking my head. After he eats the onion ring he grabs a mozzarella stick leaning forward in his seat.

He brings it towards me and I smirk leaning forward as well. "Staring isn't polite Joshua." I tease him then take a bite out of the mozzarella stick when he brings it to my lips.

"It's hard not to stare Shortie." He teases back. He looks at me as he finishes the mozzarella stick. I laugh softly eating an onion ring. Josh and I continue to talk as we wait for our food.

We joke around laughing out loud occasionally flirting  and teasing  each other while we eat. Josh and I are finishing our food when an elderly couple walks by our table.

I look over at them and smile. "I'm sorry to interrupt you kids but my husband and I were talking and we just wanted to tell you, you make a great couple." The lady say looking at Josh and I.

"Thank you ma'am" Josh smiles while I blush. "You remind us so much of us when we were your age." She adds. I look at Josh blushing even more when I notice he's looking at me.

"She's so cute. You better treat her right young man." The lady tells Josh. "I try my best and always will ma'am." Josh tells her. "Please call me Mandy. And this is my husband Frank." She introduces herself and her husband.

"Nice to meet you I'm Brooklyn." I say shaking both of their hands. "And I'm Josh would you like to join us for a cup of coffee?" Josh introduces himself.

Mandy looks at her husband and smiles when he nods. Josh calls the waitress over getting up from his seat. "Can we get four coffee's please." He asks our waitress while he sits next to me.

Mandy and Frank sit down across from us as the waitress clears the table. "Coming right up." She says then leaves.

"So how long have you guys been together?" Frank asks us. "A little over a month." Josh says grabbing my hand. The waitress comes back with our coffees placing them on the table.

"Anyone would easily think you've been together for years from how you act and look at  each other." Mandy smiles. "We have known each other for a while. She's my best friends sister. We've known each other for years but we just recently started dating." Josh explains.

"That would explain the chemistry between you both." Frank says. All four of us talk while drinking our coffees getting to know each other.

We all talk about Mandy's and Frank's relationship as well as the relationship Josh and I have. We end up spending a few hours at the diner just talking to them about everything.

They tell us their story on how they met and how they've spent their years together. The entire time we are talking Josh keeps his hand in mine and interlocks our fingers together. Josh and I leave out the part of the relationship being a bet and fake.

I don't exactly know why Josh didn't say anything but at the same time I don't know why I didn't say anything either.

When we all finally decide to leave since the diner is closing, Josh pays for the coffee and our food. Frank insists on paying Josh back but Josh doesn't let him.

"Next time it's on me then." Frank says putting his wallet back in his pocket. We all get up from the table and walk out the door.

The time we spent talking with them we all got to know each other well and became friends. We realize that our cars are parked next to each other so we walk over to the cars.

We end up exchanging our numbers with them  promising each other to have lunch together soon. Josh and I hug Mandy and Frank while saying goodbye then walk over to Josh's car.

"Frank he even opens the door for her." Mandy says in awe. Josh and I smile at them as I get in the car. "You kids get home safe." Frank says.

"We will. You drive home safe as well." Josh answers closing my door. I wave at them as Josh gets into the car. Frank pulls out of the park spot and drives off. Josh pulls out shortly after heading back to the house.

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