Chapter 29

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I walked down the street, I clenched my teeth. How did I get here? I was twelve and lonely I thought. Thinking I actually mattered to someone. Only to be left in the dust to die and when I wouldn't she came in and tried to finish it. Cutting was something to help me forget the memories, its addicting when you think about how it feels. It is awful addiction. I walked by a high school and someone yelled out. "Hey you! Not you! The Emo freak!" I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them I got a feeling I've never felt before. Everything felt unreal, like it was too good to be true. Im breathing, heart beating, mind feeding off the sights around me. For once I felt lucky, the teenage boy behind me helped me realize it. When he called me a freak I felt nothing. I turned around and smirked. He was confused then a look overcame in his eyes. A lusting look. It confused me so much I walked away.

What happened?

I felt everything living around me. I felt the warmth of the loose dogs, I heard the sound of kids laughing when there were no kids evident on the street that seemed abandoned. I closed my eyes and breathed in deep. There was a teenage girl in front of me along with a little boy. The girl had dark brown eyes and dark hair. The little boy had piercing blue eyes and black hair. "Hi, I'm Andy." He greeted. He looked familiar. The girl grabbed his shoulder. "What are you doing here? You should be at home." Her voice was raspy and she had a lisp.

"She's the one." He shouted at the top of his lungs. She shook his shoulders and tried to pull him away. "Don't be foolish! Don't be like the others! You are supposed to be different, False hope is not kind, Andrew." She scolded. "Appreciation is in your near future." He said. The girl walked away and looked over her shoulder. "Andrew Dennis! Come." She commanded and he ran towards her. I blinked a few times and they disappeared. I looked around and saw no corners they could have turned to, not even sprinting. I shook it off and kept walking.

The lively feeling was still rushing through me, but the boy, Andy's, words rang in my ear. They confused me greatly, surely he was just a confused boy, a sick boy, perhaps a imaginative boy. But the older girl seemed to argue with him, about what? The bickering they were going through, the words fired through my mind, yet no comprehensive thoughts came to mind. They confused me, I've seen the paranormal, which only made me open minded, more confused about which world I'm dealing with because they are both real, very real.

I went to a library, I was confused about what he said so I searched it up. The word 'Google' came up, which was a search engine I guess. Lots of articles about the Salem witch trials came up, which made me come to the hypothesis that there were more than just Ghosts, demons, hell, maybe Angels. There were beings more evolved than humans, more than what humans can see with their own eyes. I read the articles and looked through some books, I stayed until the library closed and I left.

My conclusion is too far fetched. Impossible. Not actually the most scientific conclusion I've ever come to, but the most backed up conclusion I've ever come up with. But most importantly.

I know who Julianne is.

Filia Mortis.

That means daughter of death in Latin.

I'm dealing with a half human, half demon soul collector that has taken quite a liking in my blood line.

That means the boy and the girl were related to me, I found their names when I searched up my family tree. Andrew Dennis Warren and Lilianna Rose Warren. I looked up my last name in a book about witchcraft. The name came up: Rosalind Wendy Warren.

She was the one who was accused of witchcraft, I saw her name in the newspaper clippings back in Texas. Her name was mentioned a lot. It said that her lover died and she tried to bring him back, he was the first victim of Filia Mortis. She cheated his death and was victimized by Filia Mortis. She said a soul for a soul. So she promised her blood for his. Filia Mortis took her word blood and gave them a new meaning, her blood line. Filia Mortis seeks the Warren souls. So Filia Mortis brought him back to life, but granted him immortality. Rosalind was burned at the stake and Jeffery, her lover, couldn't keep quiet about his resurrection. So Filia Mortis put him in a box and buried him alive. But her blood line is fading with other lines, it seems that I'm the last real Warren. Is Filia Mortis really trying to kill me or is it a part of her game?

Well, that's it. I'm looking for him. I guess I'm going to Danvers, Massachusetts. But how the hell am I getting there?! A thought came to me.

Well, there is that.

Time to go visit my new rich friend, Evan. I'm going to feel bad for using him, this is gonna suck.


I walked down the street where I found him the first time. I saw Evan sitting on the porch where I am guessing, he lives. "Hey Evan." I greeted awkwardly. He looked up at me, startled, he stood up right away. "Dani, are you okay." He asked. I sighed, I guess we haven't gotten off the topic of my scars. "I'm fine Evan, really. But I need to ask you something." I asked nervously. He nodded. I took a deep breath and spoke as fast as I could.

"Ineedtogetaridetodanvers." I sighed in relief. "What? Slow down Dani." He chuckled, I slowed down. "I need a ride to Danvers, Massachusetts ." I said clearly. He looked like it was normal. "Why? And when?" He asked. "I need to visit an old relative but I'm broke. And, I need to leave tonight." I said. He nodded. "Sure, we can take my dads private jet." He shrugged. My jaw dropped to the ground. "You're shitting me." I said in disbelief. He chuckled "No, I'm fucking serious. Let's go." He motioned. I followed without questions.


We got there at midnight, me and Evan stayed in a hotel.

The next day I went straight to the public library and got on one of the laptops. I searched: Jeffery Warren.

A lot of stories came up. I clicked on the one that said:

Jeffery Warren gone missing

Jeffery Warren went missing August 16, 1696. Jeffrey's wife Rosalind was punished for witchcraft May 25, 1696. After which he went missing from Salem town. Before his disappearance he created tales of which he believed he was brought from the dead. People were going to kill him as well for being victimized by witchcraft, only to find him gone. There was no trace of murder, running away or suicide.

I found it intriguing how this, I believe connected to the next colonial article.

August 16, 1696.

Gazebo generously built in Salem Town park by unknown donor.

How fucking unpredictably obvious.


I told Evan I was going to take a walk to the park and left. I did this at night and broke the bottom of the gazebo. The box laid right there. I pulled it out and he weighed a ton. I kept the noise low. I took some tools from a store downtown and broke the chains with bolt cutters. I saw there lying a man that looked like the dead corpse of my great, great, great.. Etc. grandfather. I heard a snore so he was obviously alive. I slapped his face and he got up fast. He blinked and sat up. "Where am I?" He asked. I chuckled. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Jeffery. Where is Rosalind? Is this heaven?" He asked getting out of the box. "No, it's Danvers, Massachusetts."

"Where is that?" He asked stretching his legs. "The United States Of America. Do you know what year you are in?" I asked. "Of course, why, I am in the year 1696." He said proudly. I snorted. "What kind of Rags are you wearing?" He asked disgusted. I rolled my eyes. "I got these from Hot Topic. Don't judge me!" I growled. "Are you a Woman or a Man?" He asked. "I'm a girl."

"How immodest! I can see your arms and a piece of your chest!" He motioned to my short sleeved V-neck. "This is the twenty-first century. Woman can vote, African Americans have rights because they are people too! In fact the president is an African American. There Are no witch burnings! And we have immigrants coming from everywhere. Need anymore information?" I asked. The look of horror flashed on his face. "What year is this?" He asked horrified. "2015, dude. Let's go." I walked out of the park.

I need advice.

What are you supposed to do when you wake up your 319 year old immortal grandfather is awakened and you find out you have witch blood going through you?

Will publish next chapter when goals are fulfilled:
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