Chapter 28

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Please excuse any mistakes

It smells like shit.

That's all I can really think about. I'm in a sewer and it smells like someone died in here while they had diarrhea. The worse part was that I was stepping on it, every time I stepped on something mushy I cringed. I saw something in a distance. A light! Yes! I walked faster and climbed up the hole. Good thing it was on the sidewalk not the busy street next to me. I got out and closed the sewer. People gave me dirty looks. I'm covered in crap and I smell like I'm decaying.

I walked through the the town a bit. Dodging the cops like a pro, might I add. I finally got to the community pool, good thing they had showers there. I didn't care about people seeing me naked I just wanted to smell nice. I undressed and showered, after I finished I stole someone's clothes. I'm pretty sure these will fit me fine. I ran out before cameras can recognize me. I stole some running shoes too so my feet feel awesome. I can't stay in Chicago anymore I guess. I should go to Canada I thought. Just kidding I can barely pass the state border let alone the international border illegally.

Walking down the street I heard someone call after me. "Dani!" My heart stopped. No, no, no, no, no,no. Walk faster! I walked faster and faster. Until.. Bam! I ran into a pole. Yeah laugh whatever..

I heard a chuckle behind me as I rubbed my head. "Are you okay?" The voice asked. I didn't look at him. "Does it looks like I'm okay?" I asked. I'm scared to look up. I don't wanna know who it is. But curiosity gets the best of me and I look.


"Shit." I muttered. "Nice to see you too." He said sarcastically. "I mean, what are you doing here?" I asked. He looked around like someone important will see him. "I'm walking home." He said ashamed. I chucked "So?" I said. "So?! I'm a millionaire I can't be seen.. Walking" I said the word in disgust. "Millionaire?" I said a bit surprised. He nodded. "No wonder girls fall to your knees." I wrinkled my nose. He smirked. "They do, don't they. But I wouldn't say at my knees. Maybe a bit higher." He wiggled his eyebrows. What is he- oh. God. "That's just disturbing." I continued walking. He jogged to catch up to me but I kept walking. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Nowhere you need to know." I said. "Rylan told me you moved out of his apartment."

"Yeah whatever." I huffed. The name Rylan just pisses me off. He seemed nice then he puts me in a mental hospital. I hate him! Even though I would be dead right now if it weren't for him. "Where do you live?" I forgot Evan was here. "Umm.. With my dad in the north side." Lie. Big fat ugly LIE. "Oh cool. Can I visit sometimes?"

"No" I said bluntly. Okay, that was really rude of me. But I can't let him actually look for me in a house. I feel bad for lying, but these days I have no choice and really common to lie about crap to people's faces and frankly, I've gotten good at it. "Okay.." He said. Good, he's not questioning me. "So what do you wanna do?" He asked out of the blue. I stopped and raised a brow, does he not get a clue? "Excuse me?"

"Well, you don't seem like you got to be somewhere right now and neither do I."

I crossed my arms. "What makes you think I don't have to somewhere?" My voice challenging him, trying to put him in an uncomfortable position so he would leave me alone.

Now he raised a brow. "Do you?" His voice was dripping with sarcasm. Given his attitude he knows that I don't have to be anywhere and I'm just trying to get rid of him. He's so persistent.. Why? Too many 'why's' Skylar! Just go with it! Maybe he'll buy you food! After all you're homeless again. Gotta love the food. Who doesn't love food? I get what you're thinking 'if you love food so much why didn't you eat it at Rylans?' Well, to answer that I was feeling depressed. Now, I sorta realized that I just have to keep moving forward. Nothing is permanent not friendships, humans, not even love! Don't start with the mushy crap, cause at anytime for any reason: cheating, betrayal, meeting new people, long distance, love triangle, you can fall out of it. Friendship is the same with love, I guess. I've never really loved anyone, not like in love. So I'm not gonna turn into Dr. Phil, trying to lecture you. I just picture it that way and I may have seen it happen. I just, don't believe in love. This is completely off of the current situation. So! Food! Accept! Got it!

"No." I sighed finally. He nodded his head like he won. "So you will come with me to McDonald's to have a fancy meal." He declared. "Great." I skipped back down the sidewalk in the direction of McDonald's. I looked back and he looked so confused it was funny! Most likely because I was being so difficult and I just had a sudden mood change. I'm not gold digging friend to Evan, just love food. He shrugged and skipped too. I laughed, I haven't really done that In a while have I?


"Then I yelled at him to get out and kicked him in the face." Evan finished. I laughed. "And that's how a baby elephant was born in the trunk of the car." He started laughing as well. Evan was funny, even though he was a conceited arse when I first met him. "Sorry." I said after a while of recovering from fits of laughter. "For what?" He flashed a crooked smile and popped a fry in his mouth. "For being a bitch when we were walking down the sidewalk. And for taking care of me when I was drunk at that party. Who knows what could've happened if you weren't there." I said. He chuckled. "Rylan was the one who saved you back there. I was just help." He shrugged and ate another fry. "You know, Rylan likes you. Ever since that night at the party he hasn't slept with any girls. Plus, he's all he talks about, he's crazy about you."

I looked down. "He thinks I'm crazy. He thinks I need professional help." Gritting my teeth I clenched my fists. "Why?" He looks a bit aggravated. I sighed. I don't know why I was suddenly so comfortable with him, so I pulled my sleeve up. I swear I saw a murderous look flash across his face. "Who made you do this to yourself?" His voice was strained and sounded like he'll explode any second. I wish I could tell him, but he'll think I'm crazy too. "Just people at school." I shook my head. He grabbed my arm and flipped it around to reveal more scars. "This isn't just some common bully. You have to tell me who does this so I can take care of him." He sounded angry. I've never seen him angry. I shook my head. "I knew this would happen, this was a mistake. Thanks for the food." I got up and ran to the exit. I felt him grab my wrist and I hiss in pain. Alarmed, he snatched his hand away and his face went red. "Dani, I'm sorry." He sounded guilty and sincere. I can't keep doing this, making people pity me and break like me. I have to stop, all of it. "It's okay." I muttered and scurried away as fast as I could.

A/N: Hey!! Sorry I haven't updated a lot, I'm in Texas visiting family and I squeezed in time to update. So I've had writers block lately and I usually take 3 days to write a chapter but I took like 8 days this time and I'm sorry. Also I've been occupied with my new interest in American Horror Story so ya..

See you in the next chapter my ducklings! And check the statuses of the book in my info box. Especially if you are interested in reading the book 'Caught in line'


Ps sorry the chapters are becoming short.

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