# 𝟎𝟑 -

11 2 0

— evelyn

I DRUG MYSELF OUT of bed with a soft
sigh, just trying my hardest to take up as much time as possible before I was forced to start my walk to school - which I was one-hundred percent sure would be painfully awkward due to twitching boy.

I felt slightly bad for the way I treated him, he couldn't really help his disorder and I definitely made it seem like I was ableist when in reality that whole house just gave me the creeps.

Not to mention the woods, but we don't talk about them. I've really just been trying to put the forest in the back of my mind - which is hard when my house literally opens up to it.

I quickly got changed and slipped my shoes on, grabbing my bag and making sure that everything I needed was in there before I stepped down the stairs, rubbing my eyes sleepily.

I wouldn't be able to stomach breakfast this morning, too many nerves.

"Well there she is, finally awake huh?" My dad teased, wearing one of his work suits - his briefcase and packed lunch just next to him so he could quickly grab his stuff and make his way out of the door.

"I should take a driving test - that way I don't have to walk to school." I mumbled, slinging my bag over my shoulders and kissing my parents on the cheek. "I need to go -"

"No breakfast? I worked hard making this." My mom spoke up, an apron wrapped around her torso as she held a bowl of pancake mix in her arms, waving the spoon at me.

"Yeah, what your mother said." My dad replied, earning a look from my mother - though he didn't see as he occupied himself with the news before checking his watch.
"Actually, I should head out as well - I'll see you two after work." He stood up, planting small kisses on both my mother's and my forehead.

"Why can't you drive me to school?" I asked, trying my hardest not to look out the window and have to face the path id be walking yet.

"Because, for one psychical exercise is good for you - and two, it's in the opposite direction from my work." He replied with a dramatic sigh, putting a hand over his forehead and playfully 'dying'.

He waved goodbye and stepped out the door, i listened as his car roared into life and he backed out of our driveway.

"I'm sorry mom, I don't really have the ability to stomach any food right now - I'm sorry" I apologized, giving her a small hug.

"It's alright, you're going to do amazing at school today. Now get your butt out that door, that boys waiting." She playfully scolded me as she hugged back before shooing me out the door.

With a huff I exited the house, stepping over to Toby and holding my backpack straps with my thumb pressed against my chest.

"H-H-Hey-!!" He greeted, the stupidest grin on his face as we began walking to school, his arm twitching slightly.

"Hey Toby" I replied simpily, keeping my eyes on the sidewalk ahead and trying not to yawn - I hadn't slept well last night at all.

I'm sure it was just a dream, there's no way it could've been anything more.

"W-Wh-hats wrong? I-I-I'm sorry if I-I ma-made you unco-comfy yesterday-" he apologized, causing me to look up from the pavement and shake my head - giving him a kind smile.

"It's not you, I'm just - moving here was a big deal and I'm exhausted from it, you know?" I asked, tilting my head at him slightly. I actually didn't mind his company when we weren't at his house.

"A-are you su-sure?" He asked, walking closer to my side. I admit this made me a little uneasy but I pushed that feeling away and nodded, having to look up at him due to his height.

"Jeez, I didn't realize how tall you were, Toby." I tried to steer the conversation into a more lighthearted direction, internally hoping that his growth wasn't some odd disorder either.

"Oh - haha ye-yeah- it ha-appens." He smiled, it was his turn to look at the ground sheepishly as we walked, a small blush painted on his face.

We walked in silence for a few moments before he looked over at me, finally speaking up. "Wh-why are y-you so ki-kind to me?" He asked.

I was kind of taken back by the question, for one I didn't think I was being kind at all, and two it just - wasn't a question I expected?

"You seem sweet, I'm willing to give anyone a chance as long as they aren't a dick." I shrugged nonchalantly, trying not to smile like an idiot as I felt his happiness radiate off of him.

"No on-one at sch-chool is re-really nice - s-so I can un-understand if you do-don't want to be se-een with me th-here." He picked at his striped sleeves now, i gently reached up and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I'd much rather hang out with you then some boring bitches who think popularity is still a thing. Your experiences make you special." I replied softly, earning an actual - genuine smile from him.

"T-thanks Ev-Evelyn . We're h-here by the wa-way-"

I guess the twitchy kid isn't so bad.

- 𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα