It was the Band

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The four members of SunSet Curve found themselves back at the beach. After Julie left this morning, the gang managed to find some old clothes stored away in the garage and were now wearing much cleaner clothes. Melody still sported her Iconic Boots and hat but swapped the floral of the shoulder for a simple T-shirt that at some point belonged to one of the boys and some light jeans.

Just as fast as Julie went, her father had come in giving the band a little spook as he rambled on and on about the good times spent in this garage. Melody related to him more when he said they would move and that it would be better for Julie. Immediately Melody felt like she was looking at her dad. causing Reggie to squeeze her hand as he and Luke tried not to cry.

This led to Reggie wanting to see how his parents have been over the last 25 years. In all fairness, most of the band wanted to know how their families coped with their sudden demise, but with The way half the band left, they were all scared.

" A Bike shack, right where my house used to be." The bass player stated grimly in between Luke and Alex. Melody stood next to Luke with her arms crossed and blonde hair in the wind admiring the now very public beach. "Hey, I'm sorry man." Luke comforted effortlessly, the lead guitarist wasn't exactly the best when offer comfort unless it was Mel, somehow he always knew he to calm her down and cheer her up. "They Made the Meyersons' house into a noodle shop. Why couldn't they make mine like a pizzeria or something?" he observed. "They tore down the whole neighborhood" Alex gestured to the now public park, Melody hummed in agreement and sat down on the small ledge just staring at the Ocean, not entirely sure how to feel about the renovations.

"Guess my folks are gone" The black-haired boy stated glumly "No. Everyones gone, they're all gone. Twenty-five years Gone, friends, family, bobby, Everyone" Alex stated frustrated, his anxiety has been really acting up about this whole ghost thing, there was no one to help him through it because all his friends are in the same boat he is. " I forgot about Bobby, Lucky Fella choosin to be Vegetarian again," Melody said dumbfounded, had she really already forgot about him? " wondered what happened to him?" " he probably grew old and moved on like everyone else" Luke stated Simply from his spot Next to Melody. " How are you so casual about this? don't you want to figure what happened?" Luke shook his head " Let's be real for a second" he stared standing to face the group "it's not like any of us besides Melody was that close to our families. My folks regretted buying me that guitar. Reggie your parents were literally a fight away from a divorce. Alex I- your parents was never cool when you told them you were gay. And Melody your dad walked on eggshells around so scared of losing you." He reasoned.

And there it was, the band's secret. The unspoken Kryptonite no one but them would know. There was a reason the band was so close, and it wasn't just for their love of music. The four teenagers were a family for each other when theirs seemed broken. It was the band the helped cheer up Reggie when his parents fought, it was the band who helped Melody live again, it was the band who made Alex comfortable with his sexuality, It was the band who gave Luke a place to Stay when he ran away.  In any time of need, the band was there, no matter how broken the families they came from were.

" Okay, none of us had it great. But at least we had something! you know what do we have now?" The drummer spoke " and before you say cool teleportation Skills, I'm not entirely ok with that either. it weird places" Melody Noded hard to that. she did not enjoy the feeling of teleportation. " I'll tell you what we have" Luke stood from his place " its what we've had since the day we came together. Guys, we have us! Ok, we're the only family we are ever going to need! You know what else we got?" "I'm going to guess death breath" " agreed" Reggie and Melody joked. The guitarist now had a goofy grin on his face " Our music you dorks!" " He's right, we have our music y'all, folks can hear us play!" The Texan now joining side with the lead guitarist. " If I had my guitar or- or my keyboard Id play for everyone 'round here. like you use to boys!" Melody stated happily. 

And Almost like magic, a guitar appeared in Melody's hands, startled she tossed the instrument over to Luke who now had his very own weapon. " Whoa! that was rad, man Mel how did you do that!" Reggia asked. Mel just shook her head " I-I don't know... I mean I just wished for it and- and" " Who cares how it got here!" Luke interrupted starting a song.

Come on, Reginald
A-one, two, three, four
Can you, 'a can you hear me?

Melody was grinding at the old tune, she started to Sing along and harmonize.

Yep, loud and clear
We gotta get, we gotta get ready
'Cause it's been years
Whoa, this band is back
Whoa, this band is back
Woo, woo

By now the group had wandered into different areas of the pier, people turning their heads to the sound but saw nothing making it. While four reckless teenage ghosts just skipped and sang with giddy grins.

Can you, yes we can, can you hear me?
Loud and clear
We gotta get, wanna get, we gotta get ready
Cause it's been years
Whoa, this band is back
Whoa, this band is back
Woo, woo

The group erupted into fits of laughter after finishing the song. it had been a while since they had sung that tune. That's a lovely thing about Music, no matter how many years go by, however many songs came out. The music never aged, it would always stay as young as the ghost who had written it. One thing was for certain, This band was back.


I am so so so so so sorry this took so long, School is starting and I am trying to figure out a good schedule for updates

plz vote and comment it really keeps me motivated.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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