Chapter 15 A new perspective..

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I realized this place was just a prison for us all....I couldn't do anything though...Only Cici could...That's where i got my plan... Zane wanted to do Dr Clare's dirty work. Then we will have to do ours...

The next day I told Cici, Devin, and Angel the plan. They would tell the others since I couldn't. Plus they already knew Zane was a part of it. Cici was a bit off about it all but I convinced her eventually. Our 1st plan is to get Cici really close to Zane. The 1st step is to make him fall for it. It was time for lunch and we were all getting ready for the plan. Cici will make him fall for her. That may take a few days if he isn't already. Once he is Cici will break his heart next we will see what he does stand up tall and try again or be a traitor. Then we get our next plan into action after words.

Step 1, make it look like she's in pain and see how he reacts. Cici walked over to the table and winked at me so I could trip her. We planted a needle in her shirt to make it look like she was stabbed when she tripped. I then "tripped her." She fell to the ground and she was acting beautifully. Like I said before, her dream was to become an actress. She was crying actual tears! Zane ran over to her and picked her up. She looked up, still crying a little.
"Z-zane..." she said.
Her acting was so great. I feel like he will fall if she keeps this up.

He responded
"Are you okay Cici? Are you hurt?"
I forgot to mention we put a bunch of ketchup on her shirt to act as blood. She pointed to it. He looked so sad I almost felt bad. He picked her up and sat her down on the closest table and lifted up her shirt where the ketchup was but before he did that she covered her shirt before he could see it was fake. He was starting to get suspicious because he had that devilish confused look on his face. I whispered to Nat to try to help her and Nat said
"Okay I'll go act like I can help her instead."
Zane said to Cici,
"let me help you... if your hurt Cici."
"Well Zane uhm i just uh-"
Nat cuts her off and says,
"It's just because she's had a crush on you and you're a boy so I can help her."
Cici was blushing hard and looked up at Nat like she's gonna die. Zane had a smirk on his face and blushed too.
"Hm, I see okay. Go on. Hope you get better Cici."
He left a huge smile and Cici blushed more.

"I hate you all."
Cici said while blushing more. We all had a good laugh and knew what we had to do next...We decided to have a meeting in Nat and I's room. I said
"Okay we know that he cares for you but do we know if he loves you..."
"I hate this so much."
Cici says. We all laugh again.
"Myyyy pain is funny too yooouuu ahhhcckkkk!"
After an hour of us planning and all of us having to go to our rooms one of us remembered that Zane and Cici shared a room so we set up a security camera for our next test.

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