Chapter 9 Pool training

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The next day we had pool training. We all got ready and got to our personally designed pool outfits. Mine had a rainbow and the sun of course, Nat had a flame once again of course, Devin had sand trunks, Cici had a clock, Zane had the black and white trance thing, Ryan had a portal, Angel had air sparks, Evan had eyes and The guards were just life coaches. Dr Clare said
"Okay guess indoor pools open in 5 minutes. To get ready. I am giving you a break because of the drama and stressful situations for a free day."
He then mumbles
"Or just because the boss wanted you guys to be happy..."
"Anyways, have fun. I guess."
Amethyst was back too with Cici so me and her hung out for a while. Cici was just dipping her feet in while everyone gathered around her. Me and Amethyst were just sitting next to each other by the deepend. We talked about what we liked and such but we couldn't stop bringing up Cici and Nat's situation.

It was off... We started to talk more about our old schools and old relationships. Till we had to go back inside. But I heard a big splash. CICI WAS UNDER THE WATER. The guards closed off the gates to Cici and said "We must train her."
All of us could see her struggling to get out of the water to breathe. Zane and Nat especially are trying to get threw. Cici was starting to drown and the gates then closed off to the point we couldn't see her. Another guard behind us said
"Keepa going kids."
We had to keep going or we would be shocked.

We were all escorted to the auditorium. Zane was raging and so was Nat. Devin was trying to calm down Nat though. The guards were keeping something from us. We could all tell. 5 minutes later a guard came in and said some very bad news.

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