Chapter 10 Gone forever

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The man said,
"Hello everyone. I have bad news. Today we have lost someone today..."
Zane yells.
"please calm down sir. It was only a mishap."
"Oh no Cici is perfectly fine. She actually went a few laps after you guys left. Our pet snake died."
Everyone's face had an emotion of "oh." Even I did. "Yeah she's perfectly fine, she's just in the training room right now since she missed the other day when she was in the hospital."

All of us were embarrassed thinking something happened when it didn't...
"Anyways today we will be doing a quote on quote social game. Everyone will be assigned to one person. Are you ready?"
Complete silence.
"Okay then, Rose and Ryan."
oh great I think to myself.
"Then Nat and Devin"
I thought to myself again, lucky
"Angel and Evan, Zane and Cici then Amethyst you will be watching sense you failed you training day. Let's get to the Game Room.

We all walked to the game room and saw a circular table with 6 chairs and 1 chair for Amethyst to sit on. Each chair was built for 2 people to sit on. The room was dark and a bit spooky and had a game of cards on the table for us to play I guess. Cici was sitting in the room already and waiting for all of us to join.

Dr Clare was wearing a black robe and looked spooky too. I started to wonder if I ended up in some game show and this is all set up because this is getting weird. But then it happened.... I knew something was off about my recurring nightmare...

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