5. i won't tell if you don't.

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"alright this guy's being a douche, let me see," the game had been going on for a few minutes, though i continuously died to the same sniper. "i'll kill him for you."

i laughed slightly as he pressed his chest against my back, getting closer to the keyboard. he chose a different character, winston if i remembered correctly.

"take notes, luna," he joked, using a jumping ability to catch him off gaurd, killing him moments after, triumphantly tea bagging him. "get absolutely shit on."

"thank you," he let me have the controls back, though still kept his right hand on top of mine.

"you're welcome," he spoke sweetly, placing his left hand back onto my side, lightly touching my thigh with the tips of his fingers.

"how many games do i have to play?"

"as many as you want to," he responded without hesitation. i felt a smile come on.

"i think just this one will be enough for me," i replied, trying my best to be somewhat useful to my team other than be a bullet sponge.

"you sure?" my team had done most of the heavy lifting, as i noted that the game was nearing it's end. "you're doing great so far."

"you had scheduling problems, remember?"

"oh yeah," he dragged out, though both of us watched as the game ended. somehow, my team won. "i actually don't."

i slowly took off the headset, placing it on the desk in front of me. i felt him staring, so i turned my head to see him.

"i just wanted to spend some time with you," he stated, looking at me with a serious expression. as much as i would've loved to continue, reality hit me like a truck.

"we really shouldn't - this is a little unprofessional," i sighed, feeling a little disappointed to put a damper on the mood he had created, though he barely seemed bothered.


"i could lose my job, just from doing this. i don't wanna distract you, you guys have a game tomorrow-"

"you're not distracting me," he kept his eyes on me as he left the game, earning a small grin from me for the moment. "am i distracting you?"

my legs felt weak at his words, knowing the god honest truth was yes, he was in every way distracting me. each time i looked into his eyes, i completely forgot all about work, and what could possibly happen if this was discovered by anybody.

"maybe a little bit," i winced at my own response, though he smiled anyways.

"i won't tell if you don't," he responded, biting down on his lip for a moment, as if asking permission, before he started to lean in. his right hand came up to my neck, gently pulling me closer to him before we shared a short kiss. i must've blacked out for it, because all i remembered was pulling away from it.

"matthew, we don't know each other, i can get fired, you can get penalized," i listed the cons of this obviously wrong relationship blossoming before us.

"are you uncomfortable? does it feel wrong to you?"

"no, but -"

"then don't worry about it. we can be really close... friends. getting to know each other," he calmed me down, gently rubbing his thumb against my side, "no proof that any of this happened. nobody has to know, just that we're friends."


"yeah, friends. what's so wrong with it?" he asked, looking at me, waiting for a legitimate reason as to why we couldn't, or shouldn't, continue.

"nothing, i guess," i couldn't help but smile. he smiled back for a moment before leaning in once more. "i'd feel more comfortable if we got to know each other better." i had turned my head immediately, letting him give me a small kiss on the jaw.

"of course," he grinned. i slowly stood up from his lap, taking a seat next to him as i originally was. i finally noticed my phone buzzing in my back pocket, making me pull it out and check. several texts from jacob over the past fifteen minutes. "got a boyfriend?"

"no," i shook my head, setting my phone down on the desk in front of me, ignoring the messages for now. "you wait until now to ask?"

"yeah, i mean, i didn't wanna ruin it if i asked sooner. i just felt your phone going off almost that entire time," he smiled, glancing over at the screen once more before logging off of overwatch.

"no, he's not my boyfriend. he's just a friend, back home."

"where's home?"


"oh really? philadelphia," he leaned back in his chair slightly, both hands on either side of him, lightly gripping the arm rests. "well i live in san francisco now, but i'm from philly."

"ever been to columbus?"

"once or twice."

"hm, maybe we've seen each other before then," i shrugged slightly, glancing at my locked phone screen, almost nervous to have to call jacob when i got the chance.

"no, i think i'd remember seeing you," matthew broke me from my nervousness again, giving me a soft smile to ease my mind.

"is this us trying to get to know each other?" i shyly asked, looking at him, only to be met with a small grin.

"we should start leaving. the team might get suspicious if we take too long."

"shocking" ! supertfWhere stories live. Discover now