Chapter 1- ALONE

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I was getting to my 7th period class, science. Until I heard someone yell my name. "April!" I immediately knew who it was because only my principle calls me April. My real name is Rose. Long story about the nickname. He said " We have something important for you please come to the office." I walked down to the office to see something weird. 5 black, clocked, men and the princable with a worried, looked face. He continued talking " April I'm afraid you must go with these men." I was feeling many emotions. Nervous, scared, angry, confused, and so many more. I guess all my emotions mixed up and I yelled
"You must n't ask questions. It's going to be okay. They will take care of you."
Trusting my principle I nodded my head and followed the men. One of the men opened the car door. I sat in the car as everyone got in. It was a big car so I sat alone in the back. It felt like hours since we left and It was still quiet. A few moments later we pulled up to the middle of nowhere and everyone in the car started to sing and rhyme chanting over and over again.
"El so beat me, So god's power, Oh shall need me, So i'll devour." I started to pant and everything was getting blurry after a few times of them saying it. I assumed I passed out because I didn't remember anything after but I do know what happens next. Something very scary.

*School bells ring* "April!" My teacher yelled.
"You slept through the whole class!"
"Oh sorry ms!"
"*sigh* it's fine we honestly we just read today but you better head home before your parents worry."
I left and we both said our goodbyes. I had a pretty scary dream. It was weird... STING!!! "OW" I yell. "What just shocked me! Ugh whatever i guess. Probably just the electricity shook." I thought to myself. I continue walking home as if nothing happened. I started to head up to my house. Well it was really a 4 bedroom apartment. Pretty cozy though. I live in a small town south of Washington near the entrance of California. I live with my 2 brothers and my mother and father. I wouldn't say my brothers like each other too much. They also share a room because the other room is in the attic. No one wanted it just because it's an attic. There's nothing really bad about our attic. It's pretty nice actually.

I told my mother about my nightmare. She just said
"It was a nightmare. It won't come ture love." but all night from that moment I was still scared. What if it was a vision? Besides that I had an okay night. I ate and played some games with my family. Then I set off to sleep saying Goodnights and I love you to my family. But it came back. The same dream again. I woke up in tarrer screaming, yelling and crying. My mother and father ran to my bedroom worried. I told them and my mom said that I'll keep having the dream if I think of it before I go to bed. So i fell back asleep but It came back again and again and again. I had to face school with no sleep and honestly I forgot it was a saturday. I told my mom goodbye. She was confused, but i carried on walking to school but when I got there I saw on the board it said it was saturday and i felt dumb.

I turned around and my mother was there knowing I'd need to come back. I got in the car embarrassed but she understood. My mother said
"Rosie, I don't know what's been going on with you these last few days." She said in a worried voice. "The phone call about you sleeping in class. The recurring nightmare, and- and- *sigh* Baby girl, is there anything I can do for you to stop stressing so much? Is it because of your recent breakup? I mean he was awful you know-"
"Please stop mom. I dont wanna talk about that and no it isn't. I don't know what it is but I haven't been feeling good lately." I said.
"I can set up an appointment with your doctor. If you'd like."
"Sure mom. I just don't feel good lately.
"I Know it's okay. Let's go home."

A few days later. I got a check up with my doctor. Let's just say. It wasn't a good thing the way I was feeling. "Well her vinyl signs seem to be okay but the thing I'm worried about is her DNA." My doctor said, "What about her DNA?'My mother said. "Is sis gonna be okay father?" I could hear the youngest of my brothers say. His name was Joey. "Yes..Yes she will be" My father said in a worried tone. My doctor and mother continued talking,
"Her DNA signs are well changing and I'm sorry to say this but I've never seen anything like it. Her DNA is well. One of my co-workers was a weather forecaster once and he would talk about it alot. He would talk about how you can tell how the weather will change and the temperatures and all that."
"I don't mean to sound rude but please get to the point." My mother said,
"Well her DNA is acting like weather and I guess the weather is affecting it."

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