Uh-oh, it's happening

Start from the beginning

On the road, I look in the rearview mirror at Wanda who has her head against Nat's chest, her eyes closed.

Y/n- You're okay baby ?

W- Yeah, for now.


We are in the hospital room. Wanda is in a birth room. It's for soon. She is lying in the bed and Natasha and I are next to her, worried and stressed. The contractions are very painful for her, she doesn't want an epidural but she has learned the breathing exercises to try not to hurt too much.

(Guys, I'm going to skip over the details because it's not very pretty so we'll skip the moment of childbirth and get straight to the moment when he's already almost here) 

*8 hours later*

Doc- Okay, I got him. It's a boy !

Natasha cuts the umbilical cord with joy and The midwife put him in a small towel to wipe him off a bit and place it on Wanda's body. Wanda cries of joy and pain at the same time as Nat and I have her hands in ours. We cannot hold back our tears. This baby is not necessarily very beautiful because he is all bloody and dirty but this detail does not matter, this baby is still the most beautiful in my eyes. He has a small nose like Wanda's and he has nice little dimples. He's so cute.

Doc- Wait ! You didn't tell me there was another one !

Wanda looks at the doctor between her legs, shocked.

N & Y/n & W- Another what ?!

Doc- They are twins. There are two ! Come on, push !

W- Oh my god !

I didn't expect there would be two. Wanda try to do her best to give birth to another baby as Natasha and I look at each other with a big smile.

The woman removes the boy from Wanda's body to clean him, do exams, put on clothes and a baby hat.

After a great effort the second arrives.

Doc- It's a girl !

Wanda closes her eyes and displays a gigantic smile that I haven't seen in a long time. I put my lips to her forehead as my tears flow down my cheeks. Natasha kisses the palm of her hand.

Y/n- I'm so proud of you my baby. We did it. We're going to have our fairy tale.

She puts her hand on my cheek, laughing lightly. I step back and Natasha kisses her.

N- They are beautiful Princess. They are both magnificent.

After half an hour the doctor finished all his business between Wanda's legs.

A midwife arrives with sort of beds with our little babies inside. The boy had a blue outfit and little blue hat and the girl had a pink outfit and pink hat. They are sleepy and plausible. They are beautiful.

Doc- Congratulations.

N- Thank you.

Woman- What are their names and last name ?

I look at Natasha and Wanda with a smile.

Y/n- It's very long but the boy will be Eliott Pietro MAXIMOFF ROMANOFF STARK and the girl will be Alycia Andrea MAXIMOFF ROMANOFF STARK.

I tell her with a big smile on my face. Wanda looks at me with tears in her eyes when she sees that I gave Pietro as a middle name for our boy.

I approach her ear and speak quietly.

Y/n- Nat and I think you'd be more than happy to still have a little trace of him.

She runs her finger over my cheek and strokes Nat's hand with a smile

W- I love you.

She whispers, tired

N & Y/n- We love you too.

N- You did a good job Sweetheart.

Y/n- Now rest, they ain't gonna leave okay ?

She nods and closes her eyes. Nat and I approach the babies to the right of Wanda's bed.

The woman walks up to Alycia and takes  her in her arms. She walks up to Nat.

Woman- Sit down, please.

She asks with a big smile. Natasha sits down and I sit next to her. She gives Alycia to Nat who takes her with care and delicacy.

The woman now takes Eliott and suddenly a joy takes hold of me all at once. I'm all excited excited to finally be able to have my son in my arms. I put my arms in position and she gently rests his little head at my elbow.

Woman- I'll let you get to know them. In case of problems you call me with the button okay ?

She whispered, showing a red button next to the bed.

Y/n- Okay. Thank you.

N- Yeah, Thank you for everything. Really.

She smiles and walks out of the room.

I look at my son's face. A sleepy face with his little eyes, his little nose and big cheeks. I bring my lips to his face and gently place them on the tip of his nose.

His little hand rolls up around my finger and a tear escapes me.

I look at Nat who looks at me in turn. I approach her face and kiss her lips tenderly.


Eliott and Alycia are twins like Pietro and Wanda 🥺

Love y'all ❤

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