"They're out of range for ten hours with the solar flares." She replied

"If we could cut the chat, everyone," Adelaide ordered

"Actually, chat's second on my list, the first being gun pointed at our heads. Which then puts ours head second and chat third, I think. Gun, heads, chat, yeah. I hate lists. But you could hurt someone with that thing, I mean not me because Morgana would never allow it and not Morgana because well, bullets don't do much. Just put it down." The doctor instructed the woman, getting irritated by her

Adelaide snarked at them "Oh, you'd like that."

"it does ensure that I don't have to get violent, not that I'm opposed" Morgana mused

"Can you find me someone who wouldn't?" the Doctor sassed

"Why should I trust you? She's just confessed to wanting to hurt us" Adelaide gestured the gun at Morgana who glared at her

"ah, now don't twist my words I said I WOULD hurt you should the need arise, not that I WANTED to" Morgana corrected "I mean, I sort of do but I won't...potentially"

"sweetheart that doesn't help" the Doctor chided before turning to Adelaide "Because I give you my word and so does my wife. And forty million miles away from home, my word is all you've got, and she'll never break her word" he gestured to Morgana who sighed

"Unfortunately, he's right"

"Keep Gadget covering them," Adelaide ordered

"Gadget gadget." The robot chirped

"Oh right, so you control that thing. Auto-glove response" the Doctor figured out glancing between the robot and the gloves

"You got it. To the right." Roman said gesturing with his hands

"Gadget gadget." The robot followed the instructions

"And to the left." Roman grinned

"It's a bit flimsy." The Doctor sniffed haughtily

"Gadget gadget." Gadget said

"I'm going to break it" Morgana threatened, glaring at the robot

"Does it have to keep saying that?" the Doctor asked in distaste

"isn't it annoying?" Morgana wondered

"I think it's funny." The man replied defensively

"I hate funny robots." The Doctor grumbled and she snickered in amusement

"Excuse me, boss. Computer log says we've got extra persons on site. How's that possible?" a woman's voice asked

"Keep the Biodome closed." Adelaide instructed before adding "And when using open comms, you call me Captain."

"oh, control issues?" Morgana asked cheekily

"Yeah, but-"Adelaide cut the woman off cutting of the communications as she glared at Morgana

"They can't be a World State flight, because we'd know about it. Therefore, they've got to be one of the independents, yeah? Was it the Branson inheritance lot? They've talked about a Mars shot for years." Ed said

The Doctor rolled his eyes but gave in "Right, yes, okay, you got me. So, I'm the Doctor, and you are?"

"Oh, come on. We're the first off-world colonists in history. Everyone on planet Earth knows who we are." Adelaide snorted

"oh, you're very confident in yourself, there's a chart over there with pictures Dearest" Morgana gestured to the far wall

"You're the first? The very first humans on Mars? Then this is..." he trailed off before both of them spoke at the same time

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