Chapter 36: Movie Nights

Start from the beginning

Maya laughed again and shook her head. At least Yelena had paid attention and thought about the movie. ''Uncle Clint uses a bow too. And mom said he's amazing with it.''

''Clint? Is that the guy that was in the Avengers?'' Yelena asked. Maya nodded. ''Is he going to be at the barbecue?'' Her voice had some anxiety laced in it. And Katya understood why this barbecue got on her nerves. Meeting so many new people at once. People who were important to her sister. Who all wanted to get to know the other mysterious woman from Natasha's past. 

''Yes. All the Avengers are. And their families,'' Maya explained carefully. She sensed Yelena's nerves, too. Or maybe it was written all over her face. ''It's going to be fun, I promise.'' Katya's heart warmed. Maya was such a kind soul. 

''I don't like parties,'' Yelena said casually, trying to hide her insecurity. 

''You will love this one,'' the girl reassured her softly, before she perked up. ''Oh, you need to see the pictures from my birthday party! I was the Black Widow!''

Yelena chuckled, her muscles relaxing now that the focus wasn't on her feelings anymore. ''Tomorrow. You need to sleep or I'm going to be in trouble with your moms.''

Maya slouched back in her pillow, slightly pouting. Her voice held uncertainty when she spoke. ''Promise you'll still be here tomorrow?''

''I will be here the whole week,'' Yelena smiled softly. ''Promise.''

''Pinky promise.''

''What's that?'' the blonde frowned, staring at Maya's hand weirdly. She didn't know what to do with the outstretched pinky, because unfortunately, nobody had ever taught her something so innocent in her youth.

Maya smiled and gently took Yelena's hand, barely touching the skin in case she didn't like being touched. She bent all fingers but her pinky into a fist. ''You take your pinky. Like this. Yes. And then we do-'' Their smallest fingers linked together for a moment, Maya beaming but Yelena mostly confused at the whole thing. ''See?''

Yelena stared at their hands. ''What does it mean?''

''It's the most important promise you can make,'' Maya explained seriously, letting their hands fall back to the bed. ''You never break a pinky promise.''

''Sounds serious,'' Yelena chuckled lowly, but also slightly scared. A promise to Maya, she'd never want to break. 

''It is.''

Yelena laughed again, shaking her head. ''Alright. Go to sleep now.'' Katya took this as her cue to slowly walk down the stairs. It would be very embarrassing to get caught by Yelena. If she hadn't sensed her already. 

''Goodnight, Lena,'' she heard Maya say over the rustling of bedsheets. 

Yelena's quiet footsteps approached the door. ''Night, Red,'' she smiled, the light extinguishing. At this point, Katya was at the bottom of the stairs, walking into the living room with a smile on her lips.

Natasha looked up from the TV. ''Why are you smiling?'' Katya gestured upstairs, not able to speak because Yelena was right behind her. But Natasha understood what she meant to say and nodded. It hadn't gone past her either.

With a sigh, Yelena walked in. She looked exhausted. ''I'm gonna crash too. Who knew dealing with a child is so exhausting?'' Natasha and Katya both raised an eyebrow, which Yelena completely ignored. ''Fanny, up.'' 

The dog lifted its head, jumping to its feet when Yelena went to grab the blanket she brought along and it had lain on. Throwing the thing over her shoulder, she turned to the stairs, the dog on her tail. He would sleep with her in the guest room tonight, which made Liho undoubtedly very happy. She had been stressed and anxious beyond relief at their new house guest. 

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