Part 2

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~Jeremy's POV~

Jeremy walked to the bathroom, pulling the collar of his shirt down to reveal the bruised and swollen skin on his neck. "Fuck," he groaned as he took a deep breath and touched it. That was a mistake. The masturbater let out a yelp of pain as he felt the pain go through his entire body. An exhale left his lips as he looked at his eyes in the mirror. The iris of his eyes were still the yellowish blue colour with a slight undertone of silver but the whites of his eyes were getting increasingly redder by the day. No matter how much sleep he got or how much water he drank the red never left his eyes. Jeremy just thought it was his limited exposure to the sun, brushing it off. This was the worst thing he could do.

"Why was I in here again?" he mumbled under his breath, trying to remember why he came into the bathroom. He closed his eyes and then remembered. "Michael," Jeremy said, his voice no louder than a whisper. He quickly ran out of the bathroom, ignoring the pain shooting through his body and grabbed some bandages, disinfectant, medical tape, and a sewing kit if he needed it. Jeremy had actually taken first aid training back in the sixth grade so he knew the essentials of it, including knowing how to stitch up a wound.

Once he grabbed all the supplies he ran back to his best friend, seeing him where he left him with his eyes shut. "Okay, Michael, this will hurt but I do need you to let me disinfect the wound okay? If the pain gets too much please tell me and I'll stop," Jeremy said, his best friend's eyes opening halfway. "I will don't worry, Jere," Michael responded, a tired smile making its way onto his lips. Jeremy nodded and took out a cotton swab, pouring some disinfectant on it. He looked back at his best friend's eyes, his face portraying an apologetic expression.

The pain was indescribable but Michael could only describe it one way. It fucking hurt. A lot too. Michael hissed in pain, causing him to throw his head against the wall. "F-" he started, needing to scream in pain but Jeremy covered his mouth quickly, fear filling his eyes. "Michael you can't scream, I'm so fucking sorry. Uh... I got an idea and it may be pretty weird but it may help," Jeremy said, removing the disinfectant swab from Michael's wound.

"F-fuck okay... what is it?" the slushie obsessed boy asked, looking at his best friend. Jeremy opened his mouth to say it when a jolt of pain rushed through his entire body, it was unlike anything Jeremy had ever felt. He gripped his hair tightly, falling back onto the floor. Tears rushed to his eyes as he felt his body fading in and out. No, no, no, no, no, I can't leave Michael. Just stay with me for a little longer! Jeremy screamed at his body, his eyes fading in and out.

Michael was watching his best friend, his eyes wider than the sun. He had no idea what to do when he realized the bite mark on Jeremy's neck. Panic set in, making Michael scoot as far away from as he could manage. His leg was screaming in pain but his best friend was becoming a zombie in front of his eyes. He has never felt the feeling of abandonment and fear ever to this extent. His best friend may eat him. Michael had literally no one else, being the antisocial headphones kid. He wasn't one for making friends but Jeremy has been by his side for years and he could be gone now. "J-Jeremy?" The boy asked cautiously, staring at his best friend with wide eyes.

Jeremy cried out in pain, gripping his hair as he quite literally fought for control over his body. He opened his eyes and stared at Michael, a small smile appearing. "I'm fine... it's jus-" Jeremy began before being cut off again, a scream of pain escaping his lips again. He tried to stop, not wanting to lure any zombies to their location, but it was hard when you could feel the pain shooting all through your gains, your entire body feeling like it's on fire. To say he was in pain was an understatement, he was in a lot of pain- hell, he was in the most pain a human could ever feel. More yells of pain came from his lips as he slowly felt his body draining away from him. "G-go!!" Jeremy yelled at Michael, tears streaming from his eyes. "L-leave me, s-save yourself! Don't w-worry about me!"

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